He Delivers

If the Featured Image confuses you, don’t despair. Explanation is necessary, but also see if you can capture the gist of the illusion: That little Big Boy is delivering a juicy burger to a parked car.

This technically is a failed photo, but one I refused to abandon. On March 20, 2024, I walked by a closed barber shop on Park Blvd in San Diego neighborhood Hillcrest. Big Boy, and a Magic 8 Ball next to him, could be seen inside. That restaurant symbol is iconic; I pulled out Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra for two quick shots.

Perhaps because of the sunny time of day outside and no lights inside, reflections from the street on the window overwhelmed the composition. Disappointed, I discarded both pics. But, tonight, when re-reviewing, I reconsidered because of the arguably dim illusion that Big Boy is serving a car; so here we are.

Vitals: f/2.4, ISO 50, 1/290 sec, 70mm (film equivalent); 2:15 p.m. PDT.