Category: Media

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Mother Nature’s Remedy

Crazy best describes the year’s winter weather across California—so much rain has fallen that the drought is effectively over. Snow blanketed Los Angeles today. There is a (gasp) blizzard warning, too, that remains in effect. You won’t see many, if any, scantily-clad roller skaters this weekend.

The white stuff piles up across the more mountainous areas here in San Diego County, such as Julian. Closer to the coast, rain is Mother Nature’s prescription for an area that had been sick with drought. Thank you!

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The Overlook Remembered

Twice we have shared the view from the Madison Avenue overlook in University Heights—2017 and 2021. The Featured Image gives glimpse from 2013. Yep, 10 years ago. Click the links to the two other musings; do compare the photo from the more recent of the pair with the one above.

You will see: Where once was a college is now a massive condominium complex. San Diego politicians can’t authorize the building of enough unaffordable housing. Why is that? Homeless encampments bear too much resemblance to refugee temporary housing—tent upon tent upon tent—seen in (other) countries besieged by natural disaster or war. Well, they give high-rise tenants living in high-cost flats something outside the window to look at.

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World at War

February 24 marks the first anniversary of Russia’s incursion into Ukraine. The United States’ involvement prolongs the conflict—leading to more lives lost and ever-increasing destruction of homes, businesses, and infrastructure.

As allies join the fracas—and increase armaments supplied to Ukraine (OMG, tanks!), along with billions upon billions of financial support—what should have been a regional conflict escalates to global war. We are on the brink, and Joseph Biden’s ministrations in Kyiv this week and elsewhere among NATO members sets the world on a dangerous course. Europeans prepare for the possibility of nuclear bombings (one, two, three examples), while Americans are as clueless as lemmings racing towards the cliff.

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A Christmas Tree for Lent

Wicked winds roared through San Diego on this Ash Wednesday, which is also President George Washington’s birthday (in 1732 by the Gregorian calendar). Sustained, from the West 32 to 40 kilometers per hour (20 to 25 mph) and reaching 72 kph (45 mph) or more.

When the gusts were greatest, my wife and I chose to walk around Westfield Mission Valley rather than endure blowing debris and risk being pelted (injured or killed) by falling/flying palm fronds. We started at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, which was absolutely deserted. I mean, day-after-apocalypse abandoned.

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Android and Me: Back to @Work

With a sigh of resignation, I handed the shipping box containing Galaxy S22 Ultra to the guy behind the FedEx counter, today. The smartphone is headed to a Samsung facility—fulfillment of my trade-in commitment. The manufacturer already credited the (expected) vaue to my purchase of successor S23 Ultra.

Considering that I only possessed the now older model for about two months, and because of otherwise overall intrinsic value, letting go was a bit challenging. Sentiment also weighed into my reluctance. The S22 Ultra marks my return to Android, after a long hiatus.

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Are You Feeling Prickly Today?

There are days that I really regret parting with the Leica M10, in October 2018. My eyes were still in a state of recovery—cataract surgery in summer 2016 and regular shots (gulp, yes, needles) for Macular Edema. Fast forward: My retinas are no longer leaky; treatment isn’t necessary; and my eyesight is normal enough that I probably could adequately handle the rangefinder now.

The Featured Image, taken on April 25, 2018, demonstrates what the camera can produce—even in incapable hands. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/4 (guesstimate), ISO 100, 1/1000 sec, 50mm; 12:35 p.m. PDT; composed as shot. Lens: Summarit-M 1:2.4/50. The bokeh is quite pleasing, and I speculate the location is the Madison overlook in San Diego neighborhood University Heights.

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This New Nostalgic Photography Trend is Scary

When is really bad good? Let the Featured Image and companion answer. I never imagined that Millennial-generation nostalgia would make blurry photography a thing. Newfound fondness for pics produced by naught-decade point-and-shoot digital cameras focuses (honestly, no pun intended) on imperfections they produce.

Well, hell, I am a master photographer now. Sign me up for the big bonus payout from the Instagram gallery of art and artifacts, because I got a boatload (figuratively) of blurry, grainy, flawed photos languishing to be seen and cooed over.

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The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Cotton

The 10x zoom camera capability is considerably improved on Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra compared to its predecessor. Look at the Featured Image for confirmation and realization the benefit of having the equivalent of a telephoto lens in your pocket. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 50, 1/240 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 10:49 a.m. PST.

How did this moment come to be? Our car came out of the repair shop today; my wife and I walked to fetch it. But we arrived a tad early and stretched out the time by going down a side street, which I won’t name because of the amount of detail the portrait reveals (the homeowner’s privacy should be respected). Suffice to say that we had ventured a few blocks beyond the neighborhood boundary into North Park, which is why this fine furball, who earns nickname Cotton, joins the esteemed honorary contingent.

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Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra First Photos

Last night, I set up the Galaxy S23 Ultra, using Samsung’s Smart Switch app. I connected the new smartphone to the older (S22 Ultra) and followed the prompts. What a superbly smooth process followed. Sometime in the next day or two, I will pack up and ship the other device, as per my trade-in agreement.

For every new smartphone, there is a first photo, which is the Featured Image. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 10, 1/1200 sec, 23mm; 9:58 a.m. PST. While walking to San Diego neighborhood Hillcrest, I detoured off Washington onto Normal to avoid sidewalk congestion. There I passed this helmet, which unusual placement beckoned to be shot.

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Out with the New, In with the Newer

My ownership of Galaxy S22 Ultra is short lived. The smartphone arrived on Dec. 15, 2022, and, today, FedEx delivered its replacement: successor S23 Ultra, which Samsung launched on Feb. 1, 2023. Feelings are mixed. For one, two months seems such short amount of time. For another, I am quite satisfied with the now older model. Additionally, I somewhat regret my color choice.

The smartphone comes in a choice of four standard colors: cream, lavender, green, and phantom black. Samsung sells four more direct: graphite, lime, red, and sky blue. Ordering from the manufacturer’s website, I opted for red, but hours later changed my mind. Unfortunately, undoing the decision would have meant cancelling the purchase and making another; I worried about losing the discounts and extras already given.

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Love is Consequential

For Valentine’s Day, I share a card that my wife made me for Feb. 14, 2017. I keep it in the desk drawer on top of my computer, which in 2023 is Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio. The sentiment means much to me, and you can see some wear and tear from being moved about when my notebook is removed or replaced. Love is consequential, after all.

Annie adores this plush Yeti, which to me seems perfect way to show off her card craft. I also use the moment to give glimpse of the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra‘s 108-megapixel camera. The Featured Image is straight from the smartphone—composed as shot and unaltered. Color is spot-on accurate and dynamic range satisfies. Vitals: f/1.8, ISO 250, 1/40 sec, 23mm (film Equivalent); 8:05 p.m. PST, today.