Category: Gear

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For Home Movies?

Before ever using a Leica, or understanding the brand’s value to collectors and photographers, I discovered several vintage film cameras for sale in an Ocean Beach, Calif. antique mall. None sold for more than $100; I possibly passed up an unexpectedly good opportunity.

That was November 2010. Fastforward to Nov. 10, 2024, when I walked by more vintage gear—this time for projecting videos and more, outside a camera store along Adams Avenue in the grey zone where a sliver of North Park separates Normal Heights and University Heights.

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Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra: Oh, Yeah

I am nowhere ready to officially review the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, even though my preorder arrived on Jan. 30, 2025—way early. The smartphone started selling in stores and online today. If you are considering moving from, say, either the S23 Ultra or S24 Ultra, don’t delay. The new model is surprisingly affordable, for a limited time.

Samsung typically offers magnanimously generous launch deals, particularly the value given for trade-in of older devices. To my surprise, Samsung hasn’t yet replaced the fantastic opportunity presented during the preorder period. Free storage upgrade is still available, and your S23 Ultra or S24 Ultra is worth $750 or $900, respectively, against purchase of the newer smartphone.

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Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25 Ultra Arrive Way Early

The new Samsung smartphones ship, officially, on Feb. 7, 2025, so I was quite surprised to receive email that ours would arrive today. They did—the S25 for my wife and the Ultra for me.

The company makes yearly upgrades too easy, with launch trade-in and other offers. My S25 Ultra is the 1TB model, for which Samsung shaved $1,140 off the price, bringing the total to less than what I paid for the same capacity S24 a year ago. The same goes for the S25: Less than the S24, with $550 discounted. Annie has the model with 256GB storage, which is the maximum available.

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Meet Samsung Galaxy S10 Ultra

This afternoon, I dropped off Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra at FedEx for its trade-in return. Samsung offered a deal I couldn’t resist—and I nearly did let it pass. During the days leading up to Christmas, I twice ordered—and cancelled—the flagship tablet, finally committing on Dec. 27, 2024. The thing arrived on Jan. 3, 2025.

I waffled because the S10 Ultra is an iterative upgrade that also abandons Qualcomm chips for MediaTek’s—and I was apprehensive about the switch. But Samsung maintained a relentlessly persistent promotion: trade-in that was $200 more than what I paid for the S9 Ulta (after another trade-in) for total $1,000 discount that brought the purchase price down to a few hundred dollars—for a top-tier tablet that few others can match, including those from Apple.

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Oh, You Nag!

I am not someone who often feels, or actually is, sick. Aging—and San Diego’s unhealthy air (and overall) environment—means I don’t feel as consistently good as in the past. But my overall constitution and immunity are robust enough—usually.

That’s my explanation for four-day lapse posting. Something got me this week, and it wasn’t terribly debilitating either. Symptoms started strangely: Sharp pains over my left eye, which sunlight exacerbated. That passed by Day 2, when body aches and general exhaustion manifested. I also developed a low-grade fever (37.7 Celsius; 99.9 Fahrenheit)—my first since December 2017. Honestly.

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It’s Huge! Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra!

So-o-o, Samsung offered irresistible incentives that compelled me to preorder Galaxy Watch Ultra as a belated 65th birthday present. Among them: $350 trade-in credit for Watch6 Classic, which is considerably more than I paid in December 2023. Also: Free dark grey Trail Band. What’s not to like?

I can answer: Size. The 47mm watch is ginormous, and the band is eye-scorching fluorescent orange rather than the more subdued mango as appears on the manufacturer’s website and in every reviewer YouTube video that I watched before the thing shipped; strangely, my photos, too. The wristwear arrived late yesterday morning, and my out-of-box reaction was trepidation rather than excitement, opening hours later.

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I am a Pixel Owner, Once More

May 8, 2024. In my news feed, several tech blogs spotlighted Google Store’s sudden, shocking trade-in offer for Pixel Tablet: Up to $399—equivalent to the price of the 128GB variant—in exchange for one of many, many iPad models. Free plus sales tax is a rather compelling offer.

The device launched a year earlier, making so little positive impression that I ordered two Samsung Galaxy tabs—one for my wife and another for me. Pixel Tablet looks even more inferior than 12 months ago, coming right as Apple released new iPads packing M4 chips. But they do cost mountains of cash more. Got an organ to sell? Kidneys fetch a good return, I hear.

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Yikes! Two Galaxy S24 Series Smartphones are in the House

Yesterday, UPS delivered the Galaxy S24 and S24 Ultra, which I preordered from Samsung on Jan. 17, 2024. My wife and I each chose one of the three exclusive colors; she moves up from the S22 and I from S23 Ultra. The South Korean manufacturing conglomerate offered generous $450 trade-in value for her phone and $750 for mine. Combined with other discounts and incentives, which includes double storage, my out-of-pocket spend for the new model is less than the older one. For hers, I paid less than the discount given for the trade-in.

Last night, right before going to bed, I finally opened the box for a peak and a shock. Titanium Green wasn’t as strong a color as I expected. Oddly, the Featured Image and companion—even taken with Leica Q2—isn’t representative. The green isn’t as faint or pastel as you see but not really far from it.

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It’s Digital Time

About a month ago, I received a steroid shot in my left hand to treat trigger finger; the middle digit wouldn’t close-fisted and clicked with a spine-chilling popping sound when extended. While technically a righty, I primarily use my left hand to open jars, turn doorknobs, and hold Galaxy S23 Ultra, among many other activities. I worried about the affliction leading to a calamity: dropping the smartphone, which is carried caseless.

So when Samsung offered generous, $150 trade-in for my Apple Watch Series 5—wasting away unused—on top of steep holiday discount for Galaxy Watch6 Classic, I ordered one. The smartwatch arrived today. To be clear, I love my no-nonsense, distraction-free Luminox Automatic Sport Timer 0921 and will not completely retire it: Digital by day, analog by night.

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Ode to Chromebook

I scouted Best Buy today, wanting to see just how humungous is Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra. Unfortunately, the slab was strapped down such that handling was impossible—so I couldn’t assess size considerations that matter, like balance in the hands. Do anti-theft measures really need to be so punitive to purchasing?

On the way to the considerably reduced Samsung section (oh, it was grand before the recent store redesign), I passed the Chromebooks, stopping to awe and to gape at them. Not long ago, one might find as many as a half-dozen of the laptops crammed onto a single, tiny table. Wow, three! I counted 17 Chromebooks, all spaciously placed, too. Meaning: There’s room for more, and I don’t doubt they’re coming. The retailer’s website lists 97 items, not all of them discrete SKUs; some are bundles with extras like mesh routers or Pixel Buds.

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Hello Samsung, Goodbye SanDisk

During Black Friday week 2022, I bought from Amazon several SanDisk SSDs—2TB Extreme Pro. The discounted selling price is even lower this year. But I have decided to retire all. My experience with the drives is nothing short of satisfaction. But throughout 2023, I have read numerous blogs, forum posts, and news stories about SanDisk drive failures resulting in loss of data. Every time I connect Extreme Pro to my laptop, I am nagged by feeling of playing Russian Roulette.

Consider this chilling headline from PetaPixel, in August: “SanDisk Portable SSDs Are Failing So Frequently, We Can No Longer Recommend Them“. Or this one from The Verge: “We just lost 3TB of data on a SanDisk Extreme SSD“, with dek “My colleague Vjeran is furious”. The big bombshell, just 10 days ago: “SanDisk Extreme Pro Failures Result From Design and Manufacturing Flaws, Says Data Recovery Firm” (Tom’s Hardware re-reporting from German Site FutureZone).

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Mug Me

I cannot say for certain that we still still possess the Android Collectible, but the coffee cup is here and it used almost every day. The Featured Image comes from Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Vitals: f/2.75, ISO […]