Tag: San Diego

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Sapphire Showers Duranta

I let Google Photos stylize the Featured Image, which is composed as shot. You won’t see saturation like this naturally presenting in nature. This is what happens when some form of artificial intelligence does the job that you should do for yourself. I would never edit like this but must acknowledge to not disliking the photo, which isn’t the same as liking it.

Once again, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra rises to the occasion. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 50, 1/120 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 11:50 a.m. PDT, Aug. 18, 2023.

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The Cats of University Heights: Tsuki

At one home, three kitties once lived: Booger (who was hit by a car in November 2017); Sebastian (who vanished in October 2022, possibly by coyote); and Ash (whose status I don’t know; my last photo of him is Feb. 8, 2023).

Few months ago, a Calico appeared but inside the home rather than roaming the lush yard. Presumably, with recent surge of cat disappearances in the neighborhood, the owners choose to keep her indoors—oh, but with great vantage to the outdoors. She is the one-hundred-thirteenth feline found behind door or window since the series‘ start in October 2016.

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Sports Cars Don’t Get Much More Classic Than This

The strangest, and unexpected, cars show up on the streets of my neighborhood of University Heights. Perennial San Diego sun may be hard on the paint, but arid Mediterranean climate assures that a well-maintained vehicle can last for decades—free from the abuse imposed by extreme temperature swings, frequent rain, high humidity, or seasonal changes. The SoCal coastal region has one season: Summer, in three variations of early, mid, and late.

Unsurprisingly, and fitting with California stereotypes, Volkswagens of various vintages, typically circa 1960s and 70s, are commonly enough seen. But this Jaguar XK120, in the Featured Image and companion captures, is a first. I saw it once, April 22, 2023, and never again.

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Calm Before the Storm

This evening, I snagged one last dry walk for the next day or so. Rain is expected to start overnight as the outer edge of Hilary—the hurricane become tropical storm—blasts through Southern California. As I write, the weather is remarkably pleasant: Cozy muggy and 23 degrees Celsius (74 Fahrenheit).

The Featured Image, of apartment complex BLVD North Park, marks the moment. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 640, 1/40 sec, 23mm (film equivalent). I used Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra‘s 50-megapixel mode for this one.

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Come On In, Have a Seat

I am maximizing my evening walks ahead of potentially foul weather. Hurricane Hilary approaches from the South. Current track puts landfall along Baja California, then across San Diego County, and headed towards Los Angeles. The thing is currently Category 3 and may only rate as a tropical storm if passing over our area. Heavy rains and winds would nevertheless unleash.

Hurricanes are uncommon in San Diego. The last recorded was, wow, in 1858, according to a report by CBS 8 News. Whatever the extent of turmoil might be, Sunday and/or Monday should be when (I write on Thursday). Surely, I will have something to share with you during, or after, the event.

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Voting Integrity, Seriously?

Before SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2)/COVID-19 provided California with the excuse to issue mail-in ballots, voting was straightforward: The County assigned a polling place, where you would go to vote. Volunteers had a list of registered citizens from which your name would be checked off and then you would do your civic duty. Simple. Straightforward.

In 2020, I chose to vote in person—and I brought along my mail-in ballot, which would have been accepted had I not requested to vote onsite. After confirming my identity, the election volunteer provided ballot and place to vote. Simple. Straightforward. But the experience my wife and I had voting today was nothing like this or during elections 2021 and 2022. By every measure, looks to me like the polling place process is engineered to deter in-person voting.

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Patriotic Parrot

Something about the American flag juxtaposed with the parrot and complimented by reddish flowers compelled me to stop and shoot the Featured Image on Aug. 11, 2023. Vitals: f/2.4, ISO 800, 1/60 sec, 70mm (film equivalent); 8:33 p.m. PDT.

Once more, I wonder why own Leica Q2 when Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra produces photos with so much character. Professionals prattle about the Leica look. My Samsung shots are distinctive, too. They may not be as sharp but they’ve got style that is dimensional and poignant.

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Lucky Shot

If like me you own Galaxy S23 Ultra, rush to the Samsung Members app and opt-in for the One UI 6 beta. The camera app receives some refinements that are worth trying out. Why wait, if you mustn’t—and testers help improve the software. The changes are topic for another day, after I spend some serious time exploring them.

But I can attest to improved low-light shooting from the walk taken this evening. Colors are richer and more accurate; previously, washed out highlights was a problem. As the shooter in my pocket improves over time, and subsequently I carry around Leica Q2 less often, the question emerges: Is a full-frame camera even necessary?

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Garden Wall

About a half hour after sunset, I set out on another early evening walk. By San Diego standards humidity is high—granted Floridians would smirk and choke back laughter at what passes for muggy here. But, hey, it is 82 percent as I write but comfortable 20.5 degrees Celsius (69 Fahrenheit).

Where was the Nativity outside the home of Carl, one of the “Cats of University Heights“, I stopped to gawk at the charming backlighting behind plants and trees. A sucker for contrasting areas of dark or light and competing colors, I pulled out Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and utilized the 3x optical zoom capability.

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Behave Yourself, or Else

Unless mistaken, I never shared the Featured Image—although that was my intention and mistaken belief having done so; ages ago. But here we are with no searchable evidence that you have seen this one, which is among the last taken with iPhone 13 Pro. In mid-December 2022, I returned to Android via Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra.

The “Code of Conduct” sign was, and may still be, nearby Bloomingdales on the upper level of San Diego’s Fashion Valley Mall. “No weapons” means that I break the rules every visit—and, until now, without knowing. Yup, I carry a pocket knife. Quick, call the security guards! The tiny thing cuts paper pretty well. Occasionally.

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Chair Pair

Will the Featured Image win awards, or even kudos, for compelling street photography? Never. I don’t have a good supporting story either. The chairs caught my attention for being two, fitting the space placed, and […]

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The Cats of University Heights: Moonpie

Along a Mississippi alley, I spotted this fine feline on June 2, 2023. This rascal is the one-hundred-twelfth furball found behind door or window since the series‘ start in October 2016. Believe it or not, the animal is on the second floor.

I used Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra to capture the Featured Image. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 160, 1/125 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 7:38 p.m. PDT. What nickname shall we give? How about Moonpie.