The Modern Woman is You

When I was younger, the first rule of gifting to women: Never buy anything with an electrical chord. Girlie gifts, like jewelry and such were OK, but you would never buy a woman a chain saw, drill, or electric mixer. The mixer is especially risky, because of kitchen equipment and loaded connotations about she doing work there and her outside job, too.

But times change, and so does gifting. My wife wants an edger—or trimmer. She has asked for over two years now. I’ve resisted, in part because I don’t see why we need to trim the lawn’s edges and also because the noise would scare away wildlife. She does the yard work, I’ll admit, and she’s good mowing back the grass or whacking weeds. 

This trend is among younger women, too. My daughter’s friend just got a coveted photo gadget for her birthday: Green screen. She wants to make movies. Edgers and green screens? What have women come to?

Last year, I blogged about how attractive are women with gear. Today’s woman is lots more like today’s man, and vice versa. But I draw a line going back the other way, with these puffed up technosexuals—a kind of techno-geek and metrosexual hyrbid. Excuse me, but I need a dose of testosterone.