Thank You and Goodbye

The recession has caused many casualties. Good companies are gone, and talented people are jobless. I’ve written about many of these casualties. There is just one more story to tell.

Today is my last day as an eWEEK editor. In a few hours I will join the swelling ranks of journalists smitten by the economic crisis and by changes the Internet is forcing on my profession.

There’s something fitting about the timing. My ending comes on a day of new beginning for Microsoft. Windows 7 promises to be a big release for Microsoft. Today’s Windows 7 Release Candidate is start of something really new. 

I’ve been reporting about Microsoft since 1997 and specifically blogging about the company since May 2003. I took over Microsoft Watch in November 2006. It has been a joy to write this blog, and I want to thank regular readers for their commitment. But my warmest regards go to the blog’s regular commenters, who have extended the discussion (OK, fierce arguing) beyond the posts. Thank you isn’t enough.

Some people may have noticed that my blogging has been lighter during the last two weeks. That’s because I shifted some writing to support I apologize for being less diligent about responding to Microsoft Watch commenters. I strongly encourage regular readers to go to eWEEK’s Windows topic area for most Microsoft news. But there will be plenty elsewhere: Full eWEEK topic list.

I encourage PR reps or others to contact Scott Ferguson, eWEEK’s East Coast managing editor of news. He will connect you with the right reporters on the news side, based on coverage area. Scott will take care of you.

As for me, I will continue blogging. My voice will continue. I haven’t made preparations yet, as I’m still on the eWEEK clock—at least until 5 p.m. EDT today. My time belongs to eWEEK until then.

If you would like to contact me personally I am joewilcox on Twitter and joewilcox at, or Please choose your favorite e-mail provider. 🙂

With that, there is nothing left to say but goodbye—and thank you.

Photo Credit: Molly Wilcox

Editor’s Note: The original version posted to Microsoft-Watch, which no longer exists. The story was restored with original date on April 30, 2015.