Neko and Cali snooze on my daughter’s bed. What better place to be for Saturday slumber? I shot the photo using Fujifilm X100T and editing using Google Photos. Conceded, I worked from a JPEG rather than RAW. But someday, the cloud will be better for doing anything on Chromebook Pixel LS that can be done on MacBook, Air, or Pro.
Neko isn’t light. He weights 6.3 kilos. Cali is heftier than when she came to us eight months ago but not overly-heavy at just under 4 kilos. Off topic: Yesterday, I met a three-legged cat who lives in our neighborhood. I will share his story and photo after next seeing him and owner outdoors. The ginger cat caught the limb in a closet door, cutting off circulation. It was “his leg or his life”, Laura (the kitty’s human) says.