Games We (Poorly) Play

Yesterday, one my neighbors expressed surprise about filling out paperwork at a doctor’s office, where she was presented with choice of a dozen genders. I would think that a medical practice would stick to the science: Humans are biologically either male or female. How people feel about themselves is something else.

All through the SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2)/COVID-19 lockdowns, we kept hearing about the science—physicians and researchers following it, and we should, too. In 2024, should a doctor’s office do no less? Meaning: Put basic biology before social culture?

I see duality among living things. Male and female. Heck, even software code is binary. Ones and zeros. Men and women are the foundation of all societies, and the families that form them.

Alongside gender fluidity, men are increasingly made out to be parasites that prey on women, make war, and obliterate humanity’s future prospects. Middle-aged white males are the worst offenders. Oh, woe is we.

Remove men, and what happens to the human race? You need both sexes to make and take care of babies. Men and women are necessary to play the game called humanity.

You also need male and female figures—king and queen—to play chess. But as you can see from this, ah, woke game outside the Lafayette Hotel in San Diego neighborhood University Heights, there are no kings. Isn’t the point of chess to capture the king? How can you if there are none? Black also is missing a knight, and brown has pawns where king and knight should be.

Sorry to tear up your gender dysphoria, but the rules of chess require king and queen, like the rules of biology that require male and female.  Hey, just saying.

The Featured Image comes from Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, today. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 12, 1/560 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 1:48 p.m. PDT. In Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, I applied the contrasty Modern 01 filter.