Interesting is the word that best describes the art that Ian Sane creates. “I’ll photograph anything that’s interesting”, he says, “but my passion is street photography. I live in Oregon, and the city of Portland […]

Interesting is the word that best describes the art that Ian Sane creates. “I’ll photograph anything that’s interesting”, he says, “but my passion is street photography. I live in Oregon, and the city of Portland […]
We carry the water theme forward for a second day. I chose self-titled “The Coast of Špina” for its calm, but more remarkably for clogs that add drama. They raise questions that make the scene […]
I offer hanks to Comic-Con International and to everyone participating in and attending this year’s funfest. As a participant, I must say, and hope other attendees share similar experience: Something about the organization and flow of things during the Con felt different this year. I got into more panels than ever, and people in and around the Convention Center appeared more able to relax rather than be asked to move along. These little things shape the overall experience.
Unlike other years, I focused almost exclusively on shooting photos (when not attending panels). My initial Flickr set, which for now is organized by day, is live. I will add more captions over time and perhaps edit the flow. I posted more pics than the previous four years combined.
After five days of Comic-Con—189, 190, 191, 192, 193—it’s time for something serene. Tom Gill carves out a unique niche, specializing in landscape photography in and around Lake Michigan. He captured today’s selection on June […]
During San Diego Comic-Con 2015’s last day, I spotted this young woman wearing a Game of Thrones pack and Mockingjay tee. She stood in one the merchandise lines nearby the Tokidoki booth. I stopped and […]
Family Day, Comic-Con’s last, is my favorite. San Diego Convention Center fills up with locals, and most Hollywood stars have left the building. Day four is all about the fans. There’s energy in kids’ passions, […]
I spent most of Comic-Con Day 3 shooting photos with the Fuji X-T1. With the Masquerade Ball in the evening, cosplayers descended on San Diego Convention Center in large numbers. As expected, July 11th was by far the busiest—bustling crowds were everywhere, Even at my trolley stop, there were more Conners waiting than the two previous days.
Riding in, I chatted with a Twentysomething, wearing an Apple Watch. I commented how much nicer is his wristband than mine. He asked how I like the timepiece, as he only had his for four days. Turns out, the former Marine who served for 5 years after joining at seventeen works at one of the local Apple Stores. I love go-to people. He had submitted a résumé online, but didn’t get a fast-enough response. So he hauled down to the mall and waited a half-hour to see the manager. Now that is how you get hired.
Crowds will be enormous if past SDCC Saturdays are any indication. The 41st annual Masquerade ball commences at 8:30 p.m. More costume wearers will descend on the Convention Center today than any other. Hence, context […]
Sometimes your body is your costume. This guy sat in front of me while waiting for the Comic-Con Day 2 panel for CW show “The 100” to begin. You can’t tell from this photo just […]
The second full day of San Diego Comic-Con 2015 begins, and what would be more appropriate than a selection from Friday last year? Howie Muzika shot self-titled “Starfleet Bunnies” on July 25, 2014. Camera information […]
Street preachers greeting—and in many cases offending—Thursday Comic-Conners manifested metaphor as Day 1 advanced. It’s as if the Rapture came, taking away a significant minority. Because the crowds felt less to me. I asked several vendors about their perception. One of them agreeing said that earlier he’d had a conversation with other exhibitors about the feeling of fewer.
My experience has been that first full-day crowds are smallest of the four. The big draws in Hall H typically start on Friday, along with other panels with punch. Perhaps I am too accustomed to the crowds, or maybe they were smaller as a whole throughout the Convention Center; fewer gathering places but drawing still significant numbers.
San Diego Comic-Con’s first full day is the freshest. Excitement and energy fill the air. Attendees are joyous, while exhibitors, eh, exhibit vitality that will be long exhausted by the event’s close. I expect sense of relief for many; last week, the event committed to another two years here—through 2018.
The Con started in San Diego, where it has been since. The first gathering, on March 21, 1970, was the one-day Golden State Comic-Minicon, held at the U.S. Grant Hotel. A three-day fest followed from August 1-3. Guests included science fiction luminaries Ray Bradbury and A.E. van Vogt. One hundred people attended the first and 300 the second conventions.