Here is another vid from Comic-Con 2009 and, again, 360p even though I shot in 1080p. Perhaps YouTube allows re-uploads with higher quality? This one is a bit long for the actual content, but I […]
Author: Joe Wilcox
Meet Andrew Bell
Meet the artist behind those lovable Android Collectibles and other cool creations from Dead Zebra. I interviewed the extremely likable Andrew Bell during Comic-Con 2012. I shot the previous video, from 2009, using a Sony […]
Tofu the Vegan Zombie
I am in one of my moods, basking in the glow of those people lucky enough to make San Diego Comic-Con 2014 pre-registration. This will be my sixth year attending as official press. From SDDC 2013, I wrote Comic-Con Heroes: The Fans Who Make the Greatest Show on Earth. Previous years, I focused on video interviews and photos. In reviewing the vids, I see that many are stuck in YouTube oblivion, and that I never blogged them. So let’s catch up with some oldies, most of which still have shelf life.
'Comic-Con Heroes' Weekend Sale
To celebrate the opening of San Diego Comic-Con 2014 pre-registration, I discount my book Comic-Con Heroes: The Fans Who Make the Greatest Show on Earth. Go to Smashwords and use coupon code “SZ79R” to get the book for $1.49 instead of $3.99. The coupon expires tomorrow, so grab the ebook today.
Comic-Con Heroes also is available from other major ebookstores, like Amazon Kindle and Google Play. I offer the deal through Smashwords because the store lets me generate coupon codes and offers readers a wider selection of format options, with ePub and Mobi being the most important.
Every Man a Hero
Yesterday I awoke to an email from The Graham Norton Show asking to use this photo from my Comic-Con 2010 Flickr set. Well, thank you for asking! My pics all carry a Creative Commons non-commercial […]
AOL's Digital Prophet
If you swabbed the seats at TechCrunch Disrupt, spread it across a petri dish, and dipped that dish in uranium, this man would eventually emerge. But there’s no need to wait: he’s real, he works […]
The New Journalism
Creating millions of lone-wolf, single-person bloggers doesn’t get us to a golden age…If you’re going to reliably produce journalism that improves the world, maybe you don’t need a village, but you need some collaborators. You […]
Twitter's Defiance is Good News
I love Twitter, all the more since Eric Snowden’s revelations about the U.S. government’s secret spying program. The company largely stands apart from other techs’ positions, but not completely. In December, I scolded Twitter, along with Apple, Facebook, Google, and a smattering of others for their “disingenuous and self-serving” call for global government surveillance reform.
Today, Twitter tweaks the government regarding an agreement that expands disclosure of information requests, including those that fall under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. In a startling act of defiance, Twitter chooses not to disclose the number of FISA and other national security-related requests, contending they’re scope is an “overly broad range”.
I Told You So
Sony selling its PC business rocks techdom today. I am in process of writing an analysis for BetaNews and decided to excerpt a portion here, posted sooner, that hopefully will help anyone looking for context.
Additionally, because I work on a book about writing well and responsibly online, there is opportunity to refute long-time accusations leveled by aggressive BetaNews commenters. Yeah, the two are related. With that introduction…
The New Microsoft
On February 4, Microsoft named Satya Nadella the new CEO, replacing Steve Ballmer. I decided to jump, and gather a group of folks to discuss what the transition means, using Google Hangouts On Air. What’s the saying about reading the instructions first?
Break the Rules
This news story needs a good editor: ‘Evil genius’ condemned for his tactics on Jeopardy! says he doesn’t care about the ‘haters’—he’s more interested in the $10,000 prize money. But the point matters more. This […]
Hotel Hath No Fury…
While there’s something whiny about Western journalists’ tweets, excellent is their use of Twitter to engage readers, build audience, and report something interesting ahead of the Olympic Winter Games start: Journalists at Sochi are live-tweeting […]