Author: Joe Wilcox

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I’ve Heard of Christmas in July, But August?

Earlier in the month, I was surely surprised to see Christmas decor and paraphernalia for sale at my local Costco. The warehouse bustled with shoppers—so many that no photo opportunity presented. But the place was quite desolate when I returned tonight.

We aren’t even to Labor Day yet, and gingerbread houses, Grinches, lighted fake trees, nutcrackers, and wrapping paper and ribbon adorn aisles near the front of the store? What about Halloween? Back to school? Sure something’s there, but wouldn’t there be more timely goods if not for Santa’s shop.

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Careful, Cali

Our Tortoiseshell took a tumble out of the closet tonight—or so it seems. I was in the middle of supper, when a load crash of falling things shook the air. Knowing that Cali had climbed up onto the top shelf, seeking relief from the heat, I rushed into the room to see.

Sure enough, a plastic container containing mom’s devices lay on the floor, emptied of her Chromebook, Nexus 6, and other artifacts. Yep, six years beyond her passing, and I still got `em. The box was quite heavy, so its fall surprised. I can’t imagine how Cali knocked it down, but fortunately she doesn’t appear to be hurt or much fazed by the incident (whew).

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Golden Arches at Night

The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra continues to amaze and delight, as the Featured Image and companion show. Capability and character appeal more than does clarity—at least for low-light photos like these.

Granted, the second shot is grainy but that’s part of the charm. Like the so-called Leica Look, Galaxy captures are dynamic and vibrant rather than flat or color washed out at higher ISO. Sure, sharper is great—as my Q2 would produce—but so is ambiance and painting-like quality.

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Better Than Fish Tacos

I originally had discarded the Featured Image, but pulled it from obscurity unexpectedly. My router lost Internet connection, causing me to be behind posting. Of all reasons: Loose cable connected to the ISP’s gateway. How did that happen?

The night shot, composed as captured, comes from Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. I amped dehaze to embolden the darkening sky but otherwise the photo is as shot by the smartphone. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 800, 1/25 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 8:05 p.m. PDT, Aug. 17, 2023.

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Farmer @Work

In my Aroostook County hometown, students grades 9-12 returned to school last week (August 16). The summer start is so teenagers can go on break to help with the potato harvest: 10 school days, or effectively two full weeks, starting at the end of classes on September 22. During my growing up years, all the schoolkids had recess to help bring in the crop.

Confession: I hated picking potatoes, which perhaps explains the traditional basket kept as souvenir. A picker would fill one with spuds pulled from unearthed vines and then lug them to a barrel and dump in the load.

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Easy Rider

Among my most favorite “Cats of University Heights” is Pepto, who joined the series in October 2020. He roams too much for my comfort, sauntering across once lightly-trafficked streets that bustle because of torrential construction of towering multi-unit complexes like BLVD North Park and the Winslow.

My wife happened to come upon the orange and white fluffer finely set up by one of his owners. What a fantastic photo-op, eh? She used Samsung Galaxy S22 to capture the Featured Image on Aug. 18, 2023. Vitals: f/1.8, ISO 20, 1/470 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 3:07 p.m. PDT.

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Neon Pizza

We return to the pizzeria located at El Cajon Blvd and Louisiana Street in the San Diego neighborhood of University Heights. Already you should have seen slimer dripping into three glasses and a table of leftovers.

The Featured Image can’t quite convey the evocative character of the sign just inside the back door that exits onto a patio. This one comes from Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, like the others. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 500, 1/40 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 8:30 p.m. PDT, Aug. 15, 2023.

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Remembering Moto X

A decade ago today, Google released Moto X—a classic smartphone by every measure that matters. Two years earlier, the search and information giant initiated a $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility, which would manufacture the Android. Months following the initial launch, I bought the Developer Edition and loved it.

Moto X promised so much: American assembled in a Texas factory; made-to-order, with custom color and other personalization options; simple, straightforward online ordering, tight integration with Google services; voice activation and commands. Nothing like the device, the purchasing experience, or truly hands-free operation existed in 2013.

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Sapphire Showers Duranta

I let Google Photos stylize the Featured Image, which is composed as shot. You won’t see saturation like this naturally presenting in nature. This is what happens when some form of artificial intelligence does the job that you should do for yourself. I would never edit like this but must acknowledge to not disliking the photo, which isn’t the same as liking it.

Once again, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra rises to the occasion. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 50, 1/120 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 11:50 a.m. PDT, Aug. 18, 2023.

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The Cats of University Heights: Tsuki

At one home, three kitties once lived: Booger (who was hit by a car in November 2017); Sebastian (who vanished in October 2022, possibly by coyote); and Ash (whose status I don’t know; my last photo of him is Feb. 8, 2023).

Few months ago, a Calico appeared but inside the home rather than roaming the lush yard. Presumably, with recent surge of cat disappearances in the neighborhood, the owners choose to keep her indoors—oh, but with great vantage to the outdoors. She is the one-hundred-thirteenth feline found behind door or window since the series‘ start in October 2016.

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Sports Cars Don’t Get Much More Classic Than This

The strangest, and unexpected, cars show up on the streets of my neighborhood of University Heights. Perennial San Diego sun may be hard on the paint, but arid Mediterranean climate assures that a well-maintained vehicle can last for decades—free from the abuse imposed by extreme temperature swings, frequent rain, high humidity, or seasonal changes. The SoCal coastal region has one season: Summer, in three variations of early, mid, and late.

Unsurprisingly, and fitting with California stereotypes, Volkswagens of various vintages, typically circa 1960s and 70s, are commonly enough seen. But this Jaguar XK120, in the Featured Image and companion captures, is a first. I saw it once, April 22, 2023, and never again.

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Calm Before the Storm

This evening, I snagged one last dry walk for the next day or so. Rain is expected to start overnight as the outer edge of Hilary—the hurricane become tropical storm—blasts through Southern California. As I write, the weather is remarkably pleasant: Cozy muggy and 23 degrees Celsius (74 Fahrenheit).

The Featured Image, of apartment complex BLVD North Park, marks the moment. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 640, 1/40 sec, 23mm (film equivalent). I used Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra‘s 50-megapixel mode for this one.