I wouldn’t have guessed today’s selection, when first opening the photostream of Dave Wilson. Self-titled “V8 Supercars Pitstop” wins the Day for color, composition, and drama. You can feel the intensity and drive (no pun […]
Category: Living
Cali Relaxes
M daughter’s cat Cali assumes a rather unusual position in the custom-made tree we paid just $60 for. I love supporting a home business. I snapped the Featured Image using Nexus 6, rather than pull […]
Flickr a Day 143: ‘Oskar Running in the Snow’
Happy Caturday, and forgive today’s selection—the third feline featured in this series (see Days 38 and 51 for the others). Consider self-titled “Oskar Running in the Snow I” as a gift to my wife, who celebrated a birthday yesterday. She loves kitties.
Emmanuel Keller captured Oskar on Feb. 9, 2013, using Nikon D4 and 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. Vitals: f/5, ISO 250, 1/1250 sec, 200mm. There are four other pics in the series, and I almost picked IV for the snow spray but favored the first for composition (and Creative Commons licensing). Both equally appeal to me (and hopefully to you, too). Another I liked less but still considered is from a February 2015 shoot.
A Life Lesson
For three summers during high school, I participated in federal assistance program Upward Bound at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. My parents divorced when I was 13, and my then 31 year-old mother chose to raise four children alone. Jobs were scarce in Aroostook County during the early 1970s, and mom couldn’t earn enough. We were poor, by most American measures.
That circumstance and college plans qualified me to spend summers in Southern Maine and someday to attend a school like Bowdoin (I didn’t). The program has expanded such that if I were a high school student today, my UB participation would be at the University of Presque Isle branch rather than the one at Bowdoin. While closer to home (next town over), the benefits wouldn’t be as a great: Getting out of the County’s confines, experiencing life on such a prestigious college campus, watching Shakespeare at the Theater at Monmouth, or traveling—even for a day—to Boston.
Flickr a Day 137: ‘Monks on Smartphones’
Some selections are instant decisions. “Monks on Smartphones” makes the Day as much for the self-title as the excellent, suggestive composition. We don’t see the devices but know they are there. The choice of focal […]
A Hundred Smiles and My Frown
How unexpected. For the second time within three days, I spotlight photography that won’t be part of my Flickr a Day series but should be. The project, which reaches No. 136 this fine Saturday, only features […]
Best Frenemies Forever
For Caturday, we reveal what BFF really means—or at least with respect to fluffy felines. Neko, the ginger, is our shelter cat, which we adopted in March 2012 more than two months after magnificent Maine […]
Flickr a Day 134: ‘Bison Scratching’
Now there’s something you don’t see everyday, eh? UK-native Adam Singer captured delightful self-titled “Bison Sctatching” on April 26, 2015, while traipsing across the U.S. northwest, using the Nikon D600 and 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 lens. Vitals: f/5.6, ISO 220, […]
Flickr a Day 133: ‘Jenna Bean’
The best nature photography causes you to say something spontaneous. Maybe it’s just “wow”, but something. “Spectacular” is my reaction to the photostream of Bryce Bradford. There are so many great pics to pick from, any could […]
Gregory Peck: The Eyes Have It
Apologies for going dark, letting Flickr a Day run on automatic (as I keep about a week’s worth of advanced photos primed to post). Wednesday afternoon, May 6, I picked up my first new pair of eyeglasses in six years, resulting in downward spiral of my vision rather than upwards. I couldn’t much read or write, which is why the absence. My wrong assumption: Customary adjustment period for aging eyes that require severe astigmatic correction and progressive lenses with bifocals. Wrong guess.
I have returned to using my old eyeglasses while the others go out for redo. I see so well, the temptation to demand refund and keep the aged pair is almost overwhelming. Almost. 🙂
Flickr a Day 128: ‘Sleepy Raccoon’
Italian Riccardo Palazzani is a Star Trek fan, not that you would ever guess from his personal website. His photostream is more down to earth, and today’s selection is typical. He prefers nature to people, […]
Friends Forever?
My 20 year-old daughter moves home this week after two years of living elsewhere—college dorm, then group home. She will take our bedroom, in a swap with her parents. As part of the preparation, my […]