Late Christmas Eve afternoon, while driving my daughter to the skating rink, I spotted a roadsign about California’s no texting and driving law, which goes into effect Jan. 1. I just chuckled. Who the hell texts and drives? At the ice rink, I mused to two friends: “What kind of world do we live in that there has to be a law to stop people from texting and driving.”
Category: Tech
Free Agent Burial
[youtube] I love this! What a creative use of YouTube and Minnesota winter. They go so oddly together! But, damn, what a cliffhanger. I don’t want to wait until Spring to see if […]

Glamour Girl
I am having lots of fun taking pictures with the Nokia N96. There’s something about less being more. Fewer camera adjustments is kind of liberating, as is editing JPG rather than RAW files. I highly […]

Nokia N96: Not So Dumb
Who says that a dumb phone can’t be smart? Yesterday, I switched from iPhone 3G to Nokia N96. I love iPhone for its applications, but I want to create rather than consume content. This is […]

Text Etiquette
Last week, I heard Stephen Stills song (circa 1970), “Love the One You’re With,” while shopping at a supermarket. Some advice to heavy texters: Be with the ones you’re with. If you’re with a bunch […]

I’m Googled Now
In 1995, I registered domain I loved that domain, but, alas, sold it a few years back for a small sum. Had I understood then where blogging was going, I wouldn’t have let go the domain. Idiot.
Anyway, the replacement domain is used strictly for e-mail. It has seen a few hosts, including Yahoo. The most recent one has an invalid SSL certificate going on a year now. I finally got sick of repeated warnings about security cert and made a major shift yesterday: Google.
I signed up for Google Apps, so that I could host the domain somewhere else for e-mail. What a bargain. Fifty bucks a year, with 25GB of storage and a bunch of other Google services hanging off the domain.

Google-Facebook Swim Party
I meant to blog this on Saturday. I could have gone to a pool party using Facebook and Google Maps.
That’s what the Guardian says teens in the UK are doing. Uninvited. The meetup, or “dipping,” is coordinated using Google Maps to find outdoor swimming pools and Facebook (or other social networking services like Bebo) to set place and time; typically late night.

Google Attention Deficit Disorder
Nicolas Carr asks: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?.” My experience is the same as his, and more. My writing concentration has changed, too. Blogging is more difficult than, say, three years ago. There is too […]

The Global Marketplace
My wife let me buy her a geek toy last month, as a birthday present. She had busted the back on her aging Sony Ericssion W810 cell phone, and she needed a new digital camera. Why not get a phone and camera in one device?

The New Journalism
I had the below IM conversation with Nate Mook of Betanews after posting about PR blogging on my work blog. All times are Pacific (-8 GMT):
Joe says: (3:54:02 PM)
I couldn’t resist:
Nate says: (3:57:30 PM)
Saw that
Nate says: (3:57:31 PM)
Good post
Nate says: (3:57:40 PM)
I’ve been thinking the same thing recently
Joe says: (3:57:47 PM)
I’m really bugged about this.
Joe says: (3:57:52 PM)
Ah, good for you.

Spring Valley Boots
Boots, Spring Valley Swap Meet, taken with Sigma DP1.

Skater and Coach
Sigma DP1 ISO 800 test: My daughter and coach watch the Skate La Grande on March 28, 2008, in San Diego.