Category: Samsung

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What Do You Make of This?

Results of routine bloodwork brought me to walk through Hillcrest today. Along Cleveland Ave., I passed the progressive church with the rainbow doors, where the banner in the Featured Image rather riveted my attention. The congregation is studying fascism for Lent? Not scripture? Not Jesus’ life?

You know what rhymes with Lent? Repent. That would be a great place to start and more scriptural. Fascism studies turns the attention of parishioners to the sins of others when they should be digging up their own and offering them with repentance. What did Jesus say about taking the log out of your own eye before the speck in your brother’s eye?

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Hillcrest Farmers Market Relocated

The third weekend of the month means book sale at the University Heights Public Library. My wife and I traipsed in for a looksee, and I left with two books for a buck a piece. Prized one: The Hugo Winners – Volumes I & II, edited by Isaac Asimov.

We continued along Georgia Avenue to the bridge that overlooks University Avenue. Unexpectedly seen: Hillcrest Farmers Market, which relocated there little more than a month ago. San Diego is converting part of Normal Street, where was the Sunday market, to an outdoor promenade.

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Rain Respite

A series of storms pelted San Diego County most of this (business) week. Sun would appear between some of them, and winds raged during transitions, too, and throughout some of the heaviest rainfall periods.

Yesterday, during hours of respite, I used Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra to capture the Featured Image, which didn’t turn out as anticipated. The city road sign, which perched on the corner a day or two earlier, was mostly submerged in a massive puddle. But, somehow, that nuance is lost in this shot and another two (unpublished).

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When Did Mickey Get Tatted?

Five years ago, I shared with you a quick photo of the local psychic shop, asking: “Yes, But Did She Foresee the Pandemic?” I could have wondered if she could see the end of her business location. The place closed a few years later, and a vintage clothing store opened. That’s gone, too.

The Featured Image, taken today using Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, reveals the current tenant. I want to know when Mickey got tatted. With what? Minnie Mouse? One wonders. He hides it well.

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The Cats of University Heights: Cowbell

I warned you, held back, and now release the torrent of kitties to clear out the backlog of the photographed but unpublished. So don’t be too surprised if this place feels like a cat colony for a while.

We reach back to Feb. 5, 2024 to present a shorthair seen in the yard of a house near where Lincoln and Vermont streets meet. The Featured Image marks where my wife and I first saw the, ah, security guard putty-tat. In the companion shot, he approaches us, but we never connected. While wanting pats from us, the friendly feline couldn’t cross over the decorative and protective hedge.

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The Cats of University Heights: Brisk

I don’t recall why some kitties have been ignored. I think that I thought this shorthair might be Cuddles, as they were seen about a block or so apart. But on closer examination, they are distinctly different.

The Featured Image comes from Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra on Nov. 5, 2023. Vitals: f/2.4, ISO 50, 1/1000 sec, 10: 44 a.m. PDT. Nickname: Brisk.

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The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Kello

I detest Daylight Saving Time and the turning of clocks forward one hour in the Spring. Today, PDT resumes, and I would prefer Standard Time all year long. The naturally occurring daylight cycle better aligns with my Circadian rhythm—and yours, too.

That introduction means to prepare you for this fine feline’s nickname: Kello, which is Finnish for clock. I saw the kitty today, while walking with my wife along Texas Street in North Park. Being beyond the neighborhood boundary, Kello joins the esteemed group of honorarians—35 in all.

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For Home Movies?

Before ever using a Leica, or understanding the brand’s value to collectors and photographers, I discovered several vintage film cameras for sale in an Ocean Beach, Calif. antique mall. None sold for more than $100; I possibly passed up an unexpectedly good opportunity.

That was November 2010. Fastforward to Nov. 10, 2024, when I walked by more vintage gear—this time for projecting videos and more, outside a camera store along Adams Avenue in the grey zone where a sliver of North Park separates Normal Heights and University Heights.

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Cute But Cautious

My wife interrupted our walk on Feb. 28, 2025 to point out “cute” birds in a tree ahead of us. I pulled out Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra for a couple of quick captures. The Featured Image is best of six. Vitals: f/3.4, ISO 32, 1/250 sec, (synthetic) 230mm (digital and optical zoom); 4:16 p.m. PST.

I am not a bird watcher, so identification is a bit tricky. My guess, with a little Google Lens assistance, is American Goldfinch. I dunno. Meaningful 10x zoom fully made this moment.

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The Cats of University Heights: Sage

The march through the backlog of unpublished putty-tats continues; this one is from June 28, 2023. I have seen the kitty many times since then—yes, recently—but have yet to get a portrait better than this shot. When better is pretty bad, what does that say, huh?

I used Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra to capture the Featured Image. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 50, 1/800 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 5:05 p.m. Nicknamed for the partial name of the flowers, Sage likes to sunbathe most afternoons.

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The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Mystic

At long last, we blast through the big backlog of unpublished kitties, starting with a tabby taken on Oct. 21, 2023, using Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. The shorthair appeared in a driveway along Meade about a block beyond the neighborhood boundary. Hence, the honorary designation.

This fine feline is also the thirty-fourth member of the esteemed group of honorarians, joining: AIBooBuddies, Charmer, ChillCoalComberCottonEnvyEstherFancyFloofyGuapoLibertyLonesomeJadeMonaMoophieMousyNinjaOliver, TooPromise,  QueeniePussyfootRascalRavenSammyShakeyTag and TigTimberTom and Jerry, and Tula.