Tag: San Diego

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No Christmas Cheer Here

One of the nearby assuredly festively-decorated houses isn’t this Christmas season. You can get a sense of what’s typical from the profile of Queenie, who joined my “Cats of University Heights” series in December 2021. Sadly, she vanished last month, and her owner assumes coyote.

Sad as that may seem, the family suffered another emotional assault a month earlier, when the homeowner came home to find that the four towering palms outside her house had been marked for removal (e.g. clearcutting). Reportedly, San Diego Gas and Electric ordered the curbside destruction.

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July in Christmas

Feel free to call me cruel, but gloating is not my intention so, please, don’t assign such motivation. The Christmas Day forecast for much of Southern California is unseasonably warm. Predicted San Diego weather is 25 Celsius (77 Fahrenheit) and 23 C (73 F) on both the preceding and following days. Break out T-shirt and shorts for summer remembrance.

Meanwhile, much of the rest of the country expects something colder, which already creeps Eastward. As I write, it’s -17 C (2 F) in Amarillo. Texas! Oh, that’s before the wind chill. For Christmas, randomly-selected highs: Atlanta, Ga., 1 C (34 F); Nashville, Tenn., -2 C (28 F); Newark, NJ, -3 C (27 F); Ocala, Fla., 7 C (45 F); Raleigh, NC, 2 C (35 F). For more of a sense of what’s more typical, for the cities, respectively, the following Sunday forecast: 19 C (66 F); 17 C (62 F); 15 C (59 F); 26 C (79 F); 22 C (71 F).

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The Cats of University Heights: Scamp

In the same yard where I first saw Thin and Slim, another black and white kitty appeared on Dec. 15, 2022. The trio are quite possibly from the same litter. However, this one was skittish rather than friendly. But, hey, doesn’t sibling personality often vary—vastly sometimes—even among humans?

I used iPhone 13 Pro to capture the Featured Image. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 32, 1/99 sec, 77mm; 12:59 p.m. PST. Nickname: Scamp (for no particular reason).

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Last Walk with iPhone 13 Pro

I relished yet another Summer-like day—19 degrees Celsius (66 Fahrenheit)—and walked from my San Diego neighborhood of University Heights to Hillcrest for groceries. The jaunt also served as opportunity to take final photos with iPhone 13 Pro, which will be retired tonight.

This post also marks the last using my beloved 16.2-inch MacBook Pro—by far the most satisfying laptop ever to be in my possession. But, alas, after much discussion, my wife and I have decided to change computing platforms, which reasons will be explained on another day.

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Candy Cane Critters

Please pardon yet more holiday motif—and, pitifully, almost none pertaining to the real spirit of the season (e.g. Christ’s birth). But a computing platform—well, two, if more accurately stated—switch is underway within the Wilcox household. Sudden. Unexpected. Long time brewing. I have been busy backing up and transferring data; not everything resides in the cloud and caution demands redundancy and meticulous review of data before devices are irrevocably wiped.

As such, posting priority is a bit back-burnered but shouldn’t be ignored. While quality is always first objective, quantity matters, too—seeing as I committed to sharing something each and every day of 2022, like last year. For now, please accept my apologies; you’ll read the story about the big transition soon enough.

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Supermarket Santa

Warm weather returned to San Diego this fine Wednesday. While the temperature only reached 16 degrees Celsius (61 Fahrenheit), the experience was much milder; summer-like. Turkey was on super sale at the Ralph’s grocery in Hillcrest. Annie drove us over for the (hefty) bird, and I walked home.

I had to laugh when approaching the entrance and seeing the huge inflatable St. Nick rising above the doors. Say, isn’t that the character from stop-motion TV special “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer“? The juxtaposition of snowy Santa waving to tropical Cutie oranges demanded a photo.

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IKEA Santas

The autumn season has been unusually pleasant here in San Diego—not seen since our first in 2007. Cool and cloudy, while often wet, is more typical. But sunny and mild was the climate’s character until this rainy and wet Sunday. As such, my wife and I decided to keep dry by taking our afternoon walk around IKEA, which is a 4.2-km (2.6-mile) drive from our apartment.

The retailer’s 2022 seasonal collection, VINTERFINT, sprinkled about the store. Most prominent: Santa Claus, in two sizes—$7.99 or $19.99, respectively, for card carrying Family Members. The large dominate the Featured Image and the smaller the companion pic, which odd cropping removes a shopper. The things were stationed everywhere—all departments. This dedicated display was near the checkout lines.

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The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Fancy

The number of new neighborhood sightings is low, while that of missing kitties is unusually high—along with warnings about wandering coyotes. Sadly, and surely, there must be a connection. Across Texas Street, into parts of North Park, I see more felines than is typical—and further distance from canyons is some protection. That said, Queenie, one of the prettiest putty-tats designated Honorary, is missing and, based on circumstantial evidence, presumed to have been taken by a coyote.

I have a backlog of Honorarians to add to the series, including the beauty photographed today. She (or he) joins sixteen others: BooBuddiesChill, CoalEnvy, Guapo, LonesomeJadeMonaMoophie, Ninja, Promise, QueenieSammy, Shakey, and Tom and Jerry. Darth Mew initially belonged to the group, until later turning up in University Heights.