Doll and Books

Because Cali overtook my lap—and I let her—posting is later than planned and topic changed. Please pardon another black-and-white Featured Image—from Leica Q2 Monochrom. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/4.5, ISO 200, 1/3200 sec, 28mm; 1:01 p.m. PDT, March 26, 2024. Composed as captured.

I came upon the doll and collection of reference books—put out free for the taking—while walking along Madison Ave within the corridor where North Park wedges between San Diego neighborhoods Normal Heights and University Heights.

I know nothing about dolls but often wonder about the value of things placed in alleys or along sidewalks. Occasional stories pop up in my news feed about someone paying pennies, if anything, for a garage sale or thrift store item that turns out to be collectible and as such considered to be immensely valuable. Who knows, maybe I passed up a small fortune by not grabbing that doll when chance presented. Hehe, unlikely.