Heatwave Reading

The Summer’s hot days have finally arrived in San Diego. Official high yesterday, according to my phone: 34 Celsius (94 Fahrenheit)—although the thermometer in the apartment complex’s courtyard read 38 C (100 F). Well, all the cement makes quite the heat island, so that is unsurprising.

This morning, the mercury touched 33 C (91 F) before thin, high clouds provided some relief. Forecasted high for tomorrow is about the same and scorching like yesterday for Sunday. We don’t have air conditioning, by the way. Fans provide plenty of relief, as long as breeze outside blows indoors. Unfortunately, winds are light, and air is muggy.

Hydration is important during a heatwave, which is why strategically placed book Thirst caught my attention, today. The hardcover stood upright, with water-damaged pages fanned out. Got to wonder: Did someone get the thing wet, or was that seeming soaking deliberately done as a marketing gimmick—given title and tagline about a “mission to bring clean water to the world”.

I used Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra to capture the Featured Image, which is straight from the smartphone; no edits and composed as shot. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 12, 1/1250 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 10:20 a.m. PDT. Around 7 p.m., I returned to the location, at Madison and Mississippi in my neighborhood of University Heights, and the book stood, still.