Where are the Partridges?

A few weeks ago, when walking to Smart & Final for groceries, I observed a woman across the street decorating a utility box. She painted something, but I couldn’t see what. Now I know, and so do you. The motif somewhat reminds me of the Patridge Family bus. And you?

I used Nikon Zf and NIKKOR 40mm f/2 (SE) lens to capture the Featured Image on Jan. 13, 2025. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/2, ISO 100, 1/6400 sec, 40mm; 1:21 p.m. PDT.

To my relief, I don’t at all regret abandoning the Leica lifestyle and switching to Nikon. Whether JPG or RAW, photos coming out of the Zf are richer and more dynamic than those from Leica Q2—even after post-processing. Strange as this might sound, but returning to an effectively 24-megapixel full frame is a relief. File sizes are more manageable, and, so far, photos are all-around cleaner (yes, you can have too many megapixels).

I will have much more to say about using Nikon Zf. For now: I recommend the camera.