The series first tombstone greets this fine September day. I do hope it doesn’t forebode badly on the 248 posts behind and those still to come. Jamie Davies captured the moment on Aug. 18, 2015, […]

The series first tombstone greets this fine September day. I do hope it doesn’t forebode badly on the 248 posts behind and those still to come. Jamie Davies captured the moment on Aug. 18, 2015, […]
As the 250th photo in my Flickr-a-Day series approaches, I review those that have come before and think: “Which are my favorites?” I pick pics for many reasons—among them which others there are in the series and the stories behind the images or about the photographers.
I have my own tastes, too. So why not give fans of the series—eh, there are some?—sense of what appeals to me. I pick 15 from the 248 and identify the top five favs.
Choosing today’s selection, I considered many—emphasis many— by Andrea Donato Alemanno. Among them: hugging couple; kissing couple; older gentleman; tailor; and woman with flowers. His photostream is a rich study of street black-and-whites, mainly captured with the […]
Documentary “Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine” is in theaters and on-demand, starting today. Tagline “Bold. Brilliant. Brutal.” snatched by attention, because it’s so evocative of Apple marketing style under the cofounder’s leadership. I doubted […]
To date, the series features few studio shots, so we are long overdue. Ariel Waldman shot self-titled “Lydia Lengel Rockin’” on April 21, 2010, using Nikon D90 and 50mm f/1.8 lens. Vitals: f/18, ISO 100, 1/60 […]
What’s there to say about Cuban Coca-Cola cans fashioned into a camera? Now there’s recycling for commerce; “355ml Prime Lens” takes the Day as much for the clever self-title as the unusual subject photographed. Canadian Ian Muttoo […]
Today’s selection comes from the UK Ministry of Defense photostream. Sgt Mike Fletcher shot self-titled “Portrait of a Soldier from the Royal Regiment of Scotland” on Jan. 21, 2010, using the Nikon D3. Vitals: f/3.5, […]
“Displaced Australian” Neil Howard spent some years in Singapore before ending up in the United Kingdom. “I am living in Alderney in the English Channel. My work takes me to many places in the World, but […]
I canceled my Tidal subscription yet again, but a day later look at returning. But when prompted on iPhone 6 Plus, I see a price increase ($25.99). What the frak? But in my laptop browser, […]
They say that “the devil is in the details”, which takes on different meaning applied to the crisp, compelling photography of Luca Rossato. Some of his portraits evoke religious overtones by the props used, like the […]
Picking a pic from the photostream of Eric Verdaasdonk is easy. This series only features images with Creative Commons licenses, and among his 5,000-plus there is but one so designated. He shot self-titled “After the […]
Is this one instance where color would work better than black and white? When shooting the Leica Camera AG M Monochrome and Summicron-M 35mm f/2 lens, as Mick Orlosky did on Nov. 2, 2013, color […]