Sometimes the photo you get isn’t the one you take but the one you make. “This was not exactly the composition I wanted, but I just didn’t wanted any people in the shot”, Miroslav Petrasko […]

Sometimes the photo you get isn’t the one you take but the one you make. “This was not exactly the composition I wanted, but I just didn’t wanted any people in the shot”, Miroslav Petrasko […]
All Rights Reserved is the copyright barrier this series cannot cross. Let me show you what I would rather feature from the photostream of Marilyn Peddle if licensed Creative Commons: Hedgy is cute, eh? Instead, […]
For some people, photography is a way of life. For shooter Erik Hagström, it is a way of living—of expressing himself in ways his body otherwise limits. There is a cool, somber ambiance to his art I could see, before learning his story, that captures more than just images in around the French Alps, but essence.
About himself, Erik explains: “After two cerebral accidents vascular in 2007, making me lose most of the control of my members, reconquered gradually, not being able more to play of musical instruments, or use pencils to draw and paint, I turned to the photograph”.
Street portraits are rarely as appealing as our selection, which wins the Day for perspective. Sometimes you got to go low to get the moment. Eye level is the way for studio portraits, but on the […]
Somebody is fascinated by owls, for there are plenty of them in the photostream of Riccardo Cupidi. Self-titled “Looks” makes the Day for composition and for being interesting. C`mon, that is one fraking big bird. […]
If not for the Nike, this photo could easily be the 1940s rather than the 2010s. Look at the woman’s outfit to the left and those sunglasses on the lass to the right. This ambiance […]
I look at the photostream of Matthias Lueger and think “horror movie stills”. The pics are so damn evocative, and they capture a mood don’t they? Hehe. Our selection purposely contrasts yesterday’s pretty portrait. There’s […]
The question that Alba Soler poses, but more importantly answers, matters to anyone interested in fashion photography. A brand ambassador for Profoto, the fashion and advertising photographer works from London and Spain.
She posted self-titled “Do You Know What a Model Test Is?” to Flickr on Jan. 8, 2014, stripping out camera info from the EXIF. She uploaded the portrait to two different accounts—one associated with her “The Thinking Hat” website. That one is All Rights Reserved. The other version, which I selected, is Creative Commons. Hehe, she has yet a third Flickr, too.
The next several chapters of my ebook Responsible Reporting: Field Guide for Bloggers, Journalists, and Other Online News Gatherers are among the most important for reporting responsibly, ethically, and without conflicts of interest. The themes are recurrent on my website, and any regular readers should immediately recognize them.
Today’s installment explains the importance of audience trust, and builds from previous chapters, particularly I and II from the same section. But to best follow the logical flow, you should start at the beginning: Foreward; Section 1, Chapters I and II, III and IV, V and VI; Section 2, Chapters I, II, III, IV, and V.
We pause from the recent run of black and whites—but not yesterday’s colorful Cecil the lion—to calmly celebrate. Today, my daughter turns 21, as did Scott Ackerman when he shot this photo on Jan. 23, 2011, using the Pentax K-x. Vitals: f/4.5, ISO 3200, 1/50 sec, 42.5mm.
Scott expresses something my daughter does: “I’m mainly celebrating this birthday because I can now go out to bars with friends and not have to worry about being carded even though I don’t drink alcohol”. I worry she will imbibe. Scott joined Flickr in June 2008. You also can find him on Tumblr and Twitter.
There are few events to take the Internet’s attention hostage like this week’s outrage over the death of a 13 year-old Zimbabwean lion. Vince O’Sullivan photographed the proud animal one year ago today—Aug. 1, 2014. He updated the caption to add context better coming from him than me.
“This is, of course, ‘Cecil’—the lion famously shot and wounded by crossbow fired by American dentist Walter Palmer in July 2015 and then shot, killed, skinned, and beheaded for trophies two days later”, Vince explains. “Living in a nature reserve, Cecil was completely inured to people in vehicles that didn’t interfere with him or his prey. So approaching him closely was never difficult, a daily occurrence for him and something he paid no attention to”.
The Internet backlash against dentist Walter Palmer for killing Cecil the lion is one of the best examples of mob journalism ever. The narrative spreading across the InterWebs is some ways well-meaning but in many more is destructive. Meanwhile, the force of collective-will tempts too many journalists to join the mob opinion, when they should stand aside and offer objective and responsible reporting.
Before writing another word, I must praise National Geographic for the best reporting about this event. The magazine offers broader perspective and, more importantly, puts big game hunting into larger context, while taking an objective tone. The raging mob’s perspective is myopic, and news sites supporting it fail the public good.