Picking a pic from the photostream of Eric Verdaasdonk is easy. This series only features images with Creative Commons licenses, and among his 5,000-plus there is but one so designated. He shot self-titled “After the […]

Picking a pic from the photostream of Eric Verdaasdonk is easy. This series only features images with Creative Commons licenses, and among his 5,000-plus there is but one so designated. He shot self-titled “After the […]
Is this one instance where color would work better than black and white? When shooting the Leica Camera AG M Monochrome and Summicron-M 35mm f/2 lens, as Mick Orlosky did on Nov. 2, 2013, color […]
Few photostreams are as barren as that of Dianmas Jaya; fourteen lonely photos. He shot self-titled “Pure Happiness” on Feb. 17, 2013, the month after joining Flickr., using Nikon D90. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/640 […]
Take pictures of your kids that look like the photostream of Amanda Tipton and you will make a memory book they will cherish as adults. Her art delights so much that picking one pick is misery. I could choose a dozen breathlessly. Self-titled “Free Ride” takes the Day for composition, perspective, candor, and as demonstration the importance of having the camera with you and using it!
“No he has never done this before and no I didn’t ask him to; lol”, she says. “But because I didn’t want my camera to melt in the hot car I happened to have it in the store with me. Of course, I probably looked like the worst mom ever snapping pictures before I told him to get up; haha”. I say best mom ever. Amanda captured the moment on July 18, 2012, using Nikon D700. Vitals: f/2.2, ISO 720, 1/250, 35mm.
Following up yesterday’s HDR-shooter, we present another, Wendelin Jacober. Self-titled “Feel free” takes the Day for composition and timelessness. There is something iconic about the photo—and that ignoring the dog standing as interesting element. He […]
I generally don’t bother with HDR, and my post-processing is limited as possible. Main reason: I don’t have time. Another: I prefer to set the camera to capture what my eyes see. That said, this […]
Sometimes simple says more by being less—as is the case with our Day taker. Lauren Hammond shot self-titled “And They Lived Happily Ever After” on Sep. 14, 2011, using Nikon D3000. Vitals: f/4.2, ISO 250, […]
There is raw energy—emotional charge—behind the street photography of Ryan Raz. His style is unmistakably intimate and brazen. Composition often hides, at first glance, something intriguing on closer examination.
Self-titled “Squint Eyed At Casa Coffee” is unremarkable on quick inspection. But there is something about the motion of life—the women in and outside the shop—and the subject’s all-but-closed eyes that is immediate and unpretentious.
Last night, a Washington Post story compelled me to make a quick change in today’s selection. Lenny Robinson, better known around the Washington, D.C. area as the Route 29 Batman, was struck and killed after […]
Searching for photos to feature, I come across many stinkers. The worst offenders are those with greatest potential: Composition is excellent, but the image is blurry—perhaps being out of focus or because of camera shake. […]
Sometimes the right self-title makes the photo—”They Exist”, which Boris SV shot on May 10, 2010. “Well, they did not welcome the UFO”, he says. “As you can see, I was among them but turning […]
The weather is perfect here in San Diego—what my wife and I call a Maine Day: 22 degrees Celsius and breezy. We hauled off to Ocean Beach, where navigating people busking or begging for money takes almost as much talent as negotiating a kayak through rocky rapids. Sure enough, I looked left and missed the approaching, friendly fundraiser from the right. Smack!
The singing circle of happy people distracted me. Oh no! Greenpeace? Again? Just cut an artery why don’t they and bleed me? But this dude—the one holding the yellow sign—had a different pitch. Greenpeace hires for two-week jaunts, he claimed, and those who don’t meet their quotas are dismissed from service. There be women with kids about to lose their livelihood. Yikes! The small cadre raised money against Greenpeace.