Please, someone move me to a French country villa with farm animals and cats, because the photostream of Nebojsa Mladjenovic is so evocative of a simpler and happier life on the farm. I wonder: How […]

Please, someone move me to a French country villa with farm animals and cats, because the photostream of Nebojsa Mladjenovic is so evocative of a simpler and happier life on the farm. I wonder: How […]
Our two-hundredth selection in the series comes from Steve Corey, who creates interesting art by bleaching out much of the color and drawing detail—and the eye’s attention to it—in shadows. Clever still, self-title “Carry a […]
Sometimes San Diego delights most unexpectedly. Yesterday, I entered an alternate universe—a lovely neighborhood that could have been from a 1980s Steven Spielberg movie. Kids played everywhere. Freely. The clang of metal baseball bats rang out from the park, where parents cheered and encouraged their middle-school players. Pretty homes, none too different from another, lined clean streets, from which the sound of playing children created intoxicating atmosphere.
My journey started with a request: Provide transportation to the Rebelution and Sublime concert at the Sleep Train Amphitheater. My soon-to-be 21 year-old daughter asks for rides so infrequently now, I couldn’t refuse. But given heavy traffic around the venue, 27-km distance drive, and her plan to return in two hours or so, I figured to stay in Chula Vista rather than roundtrip. But where to hang out—from the commercial-property isolated locale?
Crowds will be enormous if past SDCC Saturdays are any indication. The 41st annual Masquerade ball commences at 8:30 p.m. More costume wearers will descend on the Convention Center today than any other. Hence, context […]
The second full day of San Diego Comic-Con 2015 begins, and what would be more appropriate than a selection from Friday last year? Howie Muzika shot self-titled “Starfleet Bunnies” on July 25, 2014. Camera information […]
San Diego Comic-Con’s first full day is the freshest. Excitement and energy fill the air. Attendees are joyous, while exhibitors, eh, exhibit vitality that will be long exhausted by the event’s close. I expect sense of relief for many; last week, the event committed to another two years here—through 2018.
The Con started in San Diego, where it has been since. The first gathering, on March 21, 1970, was the one-day Golden State Comic-Minicon, held at the U.S. Grant Hotel. A three-day fest followed from August 1-3. Guests included science fiction luminaries Ray Bradbury and A.E. van Vogt. One hundred people attended the first and 300 the second conventions.
San Diego Comic-Con officially begins at 6 p.m. with Preview Night. I will be there. and at the Convention Center for the next four days. Two-thousand Fifteen marks my seventh attendance and first as paying participant. For reasons unknown to me, my press pass wasn’t renewed this year. The circumstance is in some respects a relief, as I will be there more for me and less the task of reporting.
Today, and the next four, this series will feature cosplayers and Conners, along with some information and history about SDCC. We begin with the appropriately self-titled “Comic-Con”, which Eric Neitzel shot on July 23, 2011, using Nikon D200 and the fantastic 50mm f/1.8 prime. Vitals: f/2.5, ISO 100, 1/320 sec. You can see more in his Comic-Con 2011 album/set. The dispatcher by profession is a local—from Rancho Penasquitos but lives in Escondido. He joined Flickr in August 2009.
The photostream of Sjoerd Lammers is the most surprising one explored for this series so far, because the view counts are comparatively high—for every image. Even shots taken days ago have thousands, but those a […]
San Diego-based Nathan Rupert should be among the photographers featured, starting Day 189, for Comic-Con 2015. But his body of work is too grand to be so narrowly defined. That said, choosing one from among […]
As an American, even one who is unusually informed, my understanding of the crisis in Greece is shallow at best. But I grasp enough to know that today’s historic referendum could fundamentally change the country’s role in the Euro zone or even topple the government. Yesterday, I spent several hours looking for the right image to represent the vote, finally giving up.
The Day goes to self-titled “Sitting on a Bench”, which Spyros Papaspyropoulos shot in Crete on March 4, 2013, using the Sony NEX-6 and E 35mm F1.8 OSS lens. Vitals: f/1.8, ISO 100, 1/1250 sec, 35mm. In 2015, he shoots with the Ricoh GR and Fujifilm X-Pro1.
Happy Fourth of July and celebration of what would become the United States some 239 years later. Caroline Castillo captured self-titled “The American” on Aug. 27, 2006, using Canon PowerShot S2 IS. Vitals: f/3.2, 1/60 […]
Yesterday, someone barging into the shot, made it. Today, the interrupter takes away while adding more. Self-titled “Photo Bomber” is more literal, given that’s a plane rising. Risto Kuulasmaa is right to keep this pic, […]