San Diego Comic-Con officially begins at 6 p.m. with Preview Night. I will be there. and at the Convention Center for the next four days. Two-thousand Fifteen marks my seventh attendance and first as paying participant. For reasons unknown to me, my press pass wasn’t renewed this year. The circumstance is in some respects a relief, as I will be there more for me and less the task of reporting.
Today, and the next four, this series will feature cosplayers and Conners, along with some information and history about SDCC. We begin with the appropriately self-titled “Comic-Con”, which Eric Neitzel shot on July 23, 2011, using Nikon D200 and the fantastic 50mm f/1.8 prime. Vitals: f/2.5, ISO 100, 1/320 sec. You can see more in his Comic-Con 2011 album/set. The dispatcher by profession is a local—from Rancho Penasquitos but lives in Escondido. He joined Flickr in August 2009.
Today’s selection might puzzle some of you, since it doesn’t feature some mannequin-like cosplayer. While you see lots of costume-wearers, the most common view is this one: Back of the heads, as regular folk make their way through the streets or around the Convention Center. Some 130,000 people attend the event.
Preview Night is some ways craziest. The early birds scoop down to snatch collectibles and other short-supply goodies that disappear faster than you can say Guardians of the Galaxy. Pushing through the crowd, it’s one back of the head after another, and another, and another.
Photo Credit: Eric Neitzel