Great title, bleak mood, and compelling accompanying blog post give the Day to Carlos Acosta. He shot self-titled “Anécdotas de la Sequía”—”Anecdotes of Drought”—on June 15, 2014, using Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi and EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens. Vitals: f/5.6, ISO 800, 1/500 sec, 53mm.
From Maracaibo, Venezuela, where he still lives, Carlos joined Flickr in October 2008. Poorly translated from Spanish, his official bio: “Writing from the third most dangerous country in the world, experiencing the documentary photography, collaborator formats, traveler anywhere without being a tourist”.
Today’s selection is from his home country, the municipality Mara, where lack of rain means there is no straw to feed the cattle. A longstanding problem of floods becomes drought, “which seems much worse”, Carlos says, “Everything is arid, dry, and tasteless”, which mood his photo captures. His blog post tells the full story.
Photo Credit: Carlos Acosta