Flickr a Day 300: ‘Destiny Calls’

For out three-hundredth selection: The appropriately self-titled “Destiny Calls”. To which Neal Sanche smartly adds: “Sometimes, when the phone rings, you should answer it”. I feel a bit of destiny calling as our series crosses a milestone that leaves little more than 60 photos before the project ends. I won’t repeat it in 2016 but may set the challenge of shooting and posting one a day of my own.

There is something avant-garde about our selection, captured eight years ago today. Neal used Nikon D70s and 50mm f/1.8 lens. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/125 sec, 50mm. He is a lifer, joining Flickr in February 2004, when the service founded. He may be the first photographer in the series to carry that distinction.

From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Neal is a mobile software developer living in Calgary, You can find him on Twitter, and he also has a blog—”Ramblings of an Android“.

Photo Credit: Neal Sanche