To Think You Worry About Illegal Alien Criminals

The sign in the Featured Image speaks for itself: There are other risks around the canyons of San Diego—perhaps more worrisome than foreign troublemakers hiding in them and coming out to assault, rob, or murder the locales. My SoCal county is one of the throughways by which illegals cross into the United States, and they are frequent enough topic on the local news or social media to scare some residents.

But coyotes—and I don’t mean smugglers sneaking immigrants across the border—present problems you might not consider. Sure, residents should keep cats and smaller dogs inside, but these coyotes could carry dynamite or drop anvils from hot-air balloons. Drones are a pitting nuisance, by comparison.

You have been warned. Call animal control and stay back should that coyote pursue a roadrunner. That’s when the reckless predator is most dangerous to you or other people.

Seriously, though, as for the human coyotes that smuggle people into the country, do not underestimate how dangerous they could be to you. Reporting to animal control won’t help—and Border Patrol is likely more useless. If this were Arizona, rather than California, I would recommend keeping ready a rifle in your pickup. But, here, you’re too likely to be jailed for defending yourself.

I used Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, today, for the photo. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 12, 1/1000 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 9:33 a.m. PDT.