Category: Photo

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Flickr a Day 178: ‘Taking Cover’

Glastonbury Festival 2015 wraps up tomorrow, which is reason enough to feature a photo from last year’s musical and arts brouhaha today. Rain is the forecast, again, making self-titled “Taking Cover” timely selection. Americans doing fests like Coachella are more accustomed to sandals, sneaks, or bare soles rather than the rubber boots Glastonbury-goers wear.

I originally chose “Glastonmudbury” from the photostream of Paul Townsend. He explains the history of the event, and his storytelling is worthy of taking the Day. But I couldn’t authenticate the image, which in context of others on his Flickr is unlikely his to share. This series respects copyrights. So Tom O`Malley wins with a photo shot using iPhone 5 on June 28, 2014. Vitals: f/2.4, ISO 80, 1/120 sec, 41mm. The Glastonbury Weather Twitter feed promises brighter skies today than yesterday’s bleak rain.