[vimeo https://vimeo.com/43487168] I simply lo-o-o-o-ve the Virgin Mobile “Crazy Life” marketing campaign. The commercials are energetic, provocative and true! When your life is your mobile you don’t have a life. Take my iPhone 4 […]
Category: Tech
Google Brain
In an interview published today in the Wall Street Journal, Google CEO Eric Schmidt lays out the next stage in his company’s ambitious plan to replace human agency with automated data processing, freeing us all […]
Wet Web
Leica X1 may be my main camera, but it doesn’t go with me everywhere. My cellular is ever-present, however. While still not enthralled with iPhone 4 as a camera, I must admit that it’s still capable […]
Snarky Commenter
At least my analysis is honest and public. Who are you but another anonymous commenter with crappy attitude? You want to be taken seriously—to engage in real discussion—start by crawling out from behind the rock […]
The Web We Weave
The Net’s interactivity gives us powerful new tools for finding information, expressing ourselves and conversing with others. It also turns us into lab rats constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of social or intellectual […]
Does the Net Necessitate Social Media?
It’s the question I seriously ask in context of web users’ constant state of distraction and increasing inability to concentrate for long periods. Nicholas Carr’s book The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains looks at this state of distraction. I’ve blogged posts: “Internet Attention Deficit Disorder” and “Of Course, Technology Changes You.” Are people losing their minds, so to speak, only to gain another—group mind—through online social interaction?
Apple’s iPhone 4 Booboo has Etsy Fix
I am in storytelling mood—and marketing is all about storytelling in very few words (for the best even tweets are too long). This little ad—taking advantage of Apple’s so called “Death Grip“—is smart storytelling in just so many ways.
iPhone Antenna Song
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKIcaejkpD4] Yes, this is the same video Apple showed during its July 16th iPhone 4 media event. Like Song-a-Day man Jonathan Mann, I’m generally satisfied with iPhone 4, despite all the negative press about […]
Beauty Scarred, But Taken
The iPhone 4 antenna issue is a scar on a beautiful woman. You don’t break up with the woman because of it, you work around it because of her other attributes. She might even put […]
Kevin Turner's iPhone 4 FUD
It looks like iPhone 4 might be their Vista, and I’m OK with that. That’s another mantle they’re welcome to take. I actually read that headline last week, and I just sort of had to […]
Ken Hansen: Mr. Leica
Since late February, I looked to buy the Leica X1, but the camera is unavailable most everywhere. Steve Huff’s review turned me onto the X1, which, aside for price, is exactly what I have been searching for: A compact digicam with high IQ (image quality). In early March, I got on the Pro Shop for Photographers Leica X1 waiting list and waited and waited. The call came in late June when I was too cash poor; I had to pass on buying one of the two cameras the Leica dealer received that month.
iPhone 4 Camera First Impressions
I am not that impressed with iPhone 4’s camera, whether measured by usability or output. The photos are okay, but nothing like what I’m used to getting from a Nokia handset. The iPhone 4 requires […]