It’s really an unfair comparison without price of the pen. Editor’s Note: This post was moved to from on Sept. 26, 2010.

It’s really an unfair comparison without price of the pen. Editor’s Note: This post was moved to from on Sept. 26, 2010.
It is estimated that every 14 days a language dies. Microsoft I’m all for preserving culture, but, hell, they’re not endangered—cute as a button—baby seals. Endangered languages? Who writes these press releases?
We rent half a garage to protect our bicycles, two of which someone stole sometime between Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning (Feb. 17th and 19th). The thieves got access to the garage and hacked through two Kryptonite HardWire cables. The thieves nearly cut through the Kryptonite Evolution Mini U-Lock protecting a third bike, presumably the prize of the three.
Whoa, this Sony notebook makes overpriced Mac laptops seem like a bargain.
Misplaced lock; spotted outside Horton Plaza, San Diego. Photo taken and uploaded from Google Nexus One smartphone.
[youtube] Nokia would have kicked Apple’s ass long ago.
Why is sugar soda only available for a limited time when high fructose corn syrup is so much worse? (Taken and uploaded with Google Nexus One).
There’s a collective scorn for the way that NBC has so openly pooped on its audience like Triumph the Insult Dog: replacing its 10 p.m. lineup with five nights of cheap, clunky Jay Leno shows […]
It’s all about profit, and I understand where the silence is coming from, but they are missing the long-term picture. [Chinese leaders’] end game is to extract as much technology out of American companies as […]
IApple’s mobile phone business would go the same way as the Mac did in the 1980s and 1990s.
Conan O’Brien may not last much longer as Tonight Show host, but he has my support. Even if he loses his job, Conan will be a winner. Say, can Conan collect unemployment? Now there would […]
Yesterday, I stopped by the Apple Store at Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego. From there I tweeted: “WTH Apple Store Mission Valley; more employees than customers—at least 25 in blue shirts.” I snapped this […]