Tag: street photography

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Blues and Americana at Old Trolley Barn Park

July means live music Fridays at Old Trolley Barn Park, here in San Diego neighborhood University Heights. Despite feeling crappy all day, I walked over tonight for a look and some photos—oh, yeah, and surprise. Performer: Chickenbone Slim and the Biscuits. Perhaps you remember my sharing about the blues band back in November 2021, after finding them performing impromptu outside our auto mechanic’s shop, which is closed weekends.

The venue and crowd was way bigger this evening. Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra didn’t deliver the kind of shots I have come to expect. Highlights are blown out and color is way oversaturated for the dozen captures. Details are muddy, too, as you can see from the Featured Image. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 200, 1/60 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 7:38 p.m. PDT.

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Delivering or Removing?

I don’t drink beer—or any alcoholic beverages, for that matter—yet for the second time in a fortnight, I write about boycotted Bud Light. The first followed a discarded can’s meaning as July 4th approached and Anheuser-Busch offered $15 off cases of 15, essentially bringing the purchase price to zero, or near it. Desperation makes sense: For the week ending July 1, 2023, sales slumped 31.2 percent year over year. Yikes!

In what I would call a pathetic plea, Anheuser-Busch chief executive Brendan Whitworth asks beer drinkers to have heart and think about the company’s 65,000 employees; no sales, no work. I’m all choked up; give me a minute to grab a hanky. Because I know what corporation would be so heartless as to put profits before employees? (Someone grab a bucket to catch all the dripping sarcasm.)

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Christmas in July

I can’t say that I will jump through hoops seeking the ultimate sale-priced goods during Amazon Prime Day next week (11th and 12th). But keeping with the concept of Christmas in July and opportunity for me to share a previously unpublished photo, here we are together. Shop if you want.

The Featured Image comes from Leica Q2 on Dec. 21, 2022. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 28mm; 12:24 p.m. PDT. Location: Maryland Place in San Diego neighborhood University Heights.

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The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Liberty

While walking along 30th Street in North Park, today, I came upon a San Diego police cruiser coming to a parked stop. As an officer climbed out of the vehicle, I coincidentally spied a white cat in the grassy courtyard of a connected-cottage complex. I thought to take a quick photo, but the cop approached and I chose otherwise.

He opened the gate and entered the same property! I couldn’t resist, pulling out Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and turning back. I peaked through the fence expecting to see space where was the beastie. But no, the white was still there, and the policeman stood a short distance away knocking on someone’s door. This was no scaredy cat!

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He Waits for What?

We end the month, and first half of the year, with a somber Featured Image captured tonight. I typically avoid taking photos of San Diego homeless, out of respect for them and their plight. With the high cost of housing, anyone could end up in their situation—particularly with the rising number of renovictions: landlord removes long-time tenants and makes upgrades to justify drastically raising rents.

According to the Regional Task Force on Homelessness, number of the city’s—what I will politely call—street dwellers is up 35 percent from 2022. Broadly, across San Diego County, people aged 55 or older make up 29 percent of the homeless population and about 46 percent are newly in this condition. That circles back to long-time tenants, sometimes for several decades, living in rentals they can manage but being evicted and unable to find affordable housing.

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The Cats of University Heights: Nickel

After a long hiatus, Alabama returns to grace us with another kitty. This black-fur is the ninety-sixth feline from the street, between boundaries Adams and Lincoln, to appear in the series since its start in October 2016.

My neighbor Pat lives on the property, where once was the rusted Triumph Spitfire (the vehicle is gone now). He is nearly blind but nevertheless hardworking. Pat collects cans and bottles around the East side of Park Blvd. Most of the redeemables are face value five cents, although the redemptions are typically paid by weight (which means less).

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‘Hey, I Thought There was a Boycott!’

So said I to my wife when we passed by the discarded can today. I don’t drink beer—or any other alcoholic beverages—and am only aware of the Bud Light boycott because it blasted across every avenue and alley along the Information Superhighway (yeah, call me archaic), starting in April 2023. Anheuser-Busch made the marketing mistake of aligning with a transgender TikToker.

Sales plummeted, and the brewer stumbled into “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” territory. Distancing damage control precipitated a backlash among the Rainbow coalition of gender-identifying letters. Along the spectrum of staunch conservatives to prickly progressives, Anheuser-Busch managed to offend just about everyone who drank Bud Light, which was the most popular beer in the United States before the fiasco’s start.

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Waiting for Bruce

This evening, I stepped out for a late-day walk and came upon the owner of Bruce walking her dog Apple. Guido came along, somewhat reluctantly; he isn’t quite as enthusiastic about the jaunts as his housemate.

Bruce disappeared four weeks ago tonight—to what end no one knows. Everyone hopes not to a coyote; sightings are more frequent all around this part of University Heights and neighboring Hillcrest, Normal Heights, and North Park. But Bruce typically stays in at night, and rarely roams when do the predators. Best scenario is abduction and his eventual escape.

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That’s Not a Stuffed Animal

I don’t for a second doubt that the owner of this dog regards it as a collectible—and the “Ty” tag surely means something. You remember Beanie Babies, right? Well, this pooch isn’t one of them. He appeared in the window as my wife and I wife walked by on June 15, 2023.

Ha! After I put away Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, after taking the Featured Image, a smaller dog poked up its head and vamoosed before I could react. Vitals: f/2.4, ISO 50, 1/3200 sec, 70mm (film equivalent); 11:50 a.m. PDT.

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Got Cash? Go Elsewhere!

Marking a trendy trend among the trendy artisan set, Communal Coffee in San Diego’s North Park neighborhood won’t accept your money for payment. Your credit or debit card is legal tender, even Apple Pay, but keep bills or coins in pocket, purse, or wallet.

The privilege of digital currency comes with a perk—and one some of you won’t want: The tip nag screen that appears during the purchase process. Oh, don’t feel guilt or pressure, with the glaring eyes of the barista bearing down on you with expectation of 20-percent or more gratuity to top off that swank latte with almond milk.

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Keep It Simple

Around my neighborhood are many little lending libraries. Some are fancy, others large, then there those paying homage to something. All are wooden boxes of various types placed and placarded (as LittleFreeLibrary). Someone made them.

But why go to all that trouble? Today, I happened upon the best book sharing station ever. Why build something new, when you can repurpose something else—in this instance a fence post upon which to place a cardboard box with books. I love it! Use what you got instead of making something new.