For nearly three years, soon after SARS-CoV-2(severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2) set the world on lockdown against COVID-19, I started hearing—and also saying—”be safe” as closing remark whenever parting from anyone; particularly public places, such as grocery stores, where workers risked exposure to something every day.
A few days ago, while watching a YouTube video from Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen, I was surprised, and delighted, when he closed with admonition “be strong”. That’s it! I thought. How right to say! So I lift from him my motto for 2023. Too many people have been trying to stay safe—fearful and insular—for too long. We all should instead be strong—and fearless before any and all uncertainty. Take authority for yourself, family, community, and country. Yes, be strong.
Some of my past mottos, that I remember, are: “Why not?” “Movement is life” (lifted from film World War Z). “Everything is an opportunity“. “Obstacles are opportunities“.
Clueless on how to appropriately illustrate this missive, I opted for something questionably esoteric. The spheres on Newton’s cradle are strong, but their strength and value requires cooperating together. No matter how tough their metal, their worth depends on thin, easily cut or tangled, fishing line. You untangle the metaphor if confused. I can make enough sense of it.
I used Leica Q2 Monochrom to capture the Featured Image, today. Vitals, aperture and shutter speed manually set: f/8, ISO 500, 1/2 sec, 28mm; 4:13 p.m. PST.
With that, Happy New Year! And be strong.