What Real Camping Looks Like

Welcome back to the North Maine Woods, circa mid-1970s. I am the skinny, short kid to the far left; my father, in the red hat, is to the far right. Next to me, my cousin Dan looks at something; my guess is an insect.

His sister Debbie, sitting up, came along with two obnoxious friends. I spent several weeks as object of their abusive taunts and teasing. Wicked women, they were.

My uncle shot the Featured Image. He rented the camp from one of the lumbering companies for $100 a year. The building you see, and the outhouse you don’t, was the property. We lugged water from a spring, and a pond was a few hundred meters distant.

For more perspective on our trips into the Allagash wilderness, please see past posts “Bean-hole Beans“, “Le Soleil and Me“, “Somewhere Between Dickey and Rivière-Bleue“, or “The Bear Cub“.

Photo Credit: Glenwood Wilcox