I Boycott the Paris Olympics

I am more than a little surprised to be writing this post. But here we unexpectedly are. I stand with those people criticizing the 2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony’s mock Last Supper as mocking Christianity—and the almighty God, for that matter. In what appeared to be a live reenactment of the famous painting by Leonardo DaVinci, the actors were either drag queens or some simply dressed as such.

The Summer games officially began in Paris on July 26. Today, spokesperson Anne Descamp apologized to anyone offended by the, ah, banquet scene. If BBC reporting is accurate, explanation is as offensive, if not more. From the story: “The ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, said there was no intention to ‘mock or denigrate anyone’ and explained the scene in question was designed to reference pagan gods”.

Eh, drag queens portray pagan gods that replace Jesus and his disciples during the Last Supper—one of the most important events of all Christendom—and that’s not mocking? Or offensive?

So, my response is boycott. I won’t watch any of the events and instead will eagerly await the 2028 games in Los Angeles. I always deliberately skip the Open Ceremony, which, regardless of host country, is pompous and monotonous.

The Featured Image is an official, Creative Commons-licensed shot of women’s beach volleyball. Vitals: f/8, ISO 640, 1/3200 sec, 18mm; today; Nikon Z9

Photo Credit: France Olympique