Category: Photo

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When Time Runs Out

For weeks, I have seen a sign outside one of the long-time, local University Heights businesses: Relocation moving sale. Today, I walked by and could see men working inside around fixtures, so I stopped by to ask where is the new location. There is none. Yet. Maybe never.

Commercial rents rise like insane homeless people shouting and swearing as they pull along their belongings in shopping carts. The store’s proprietor told me that his rent nearly doubled, leaving him little option other than to close up after first opening—in nearby Hillcrest—in 1974. What worse way to celebrate 50 years, eh?

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Fatman Returns

In February 2014, a researcher from The Graham Norton Show contacted me about licensing one of my costumed portraits from San Diego Comic-Con 2010. She explained: “Our terms are all media worldwide for 5 years, and we would normally pay £175 (about $285) for these. We would pay upon usage of the image, and I would be able to let you know on Monday whether it has made the final cut of the show. If it is included, then we will arrange payment. Would you be happy with this?”

My reply: “I love the show, and, of course, you have my permission to use the photo—and the terms are agreeable. Can you let me know if the pic makes the cut and, if so, when the show will air?” The photo did indeed make the “final cut”, and I was paid for the privilege.

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The Cats of University Heights: Peek-a-Boo Too

Identification can be tricky, particularly when kitties roam. This fine feline could be Peek-a-Boo, who joined the series on Jan. 10, 2021. Similarities are striking but differences matter, too. The previously-seen shorthair was quite dirty and wore a collar. This one is clean and wears nothing but fur.

I certainly have observed cats from the same litter, or completely unrelated, that could be anything from twins to doppelgangers. I spotted this one on Howard, which intersects Florida—where was Peek-a-Boo three years ago.

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Misfit Inflatables

Christmas may be oh-so last year, but some of my San Diego neighbors let the holiday spirit linger on their lawns. Today, I came across some inflatables that are familiar and memorable—from stop-motion special “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, which first aired on television in December 1964.

Abominable looms large over a collection of misfit toys; somewhat cut-off, gold-digger Yukon Cornelius stands behind the snow monster. Creatures, people, and things that don’t fit in is the underlying theme of the perennially-broadcast holiday classic. Festive decorations are misfit, too, with Christmas past and their summer-like setting. Nuclear winter would have to come before snow fell in this part of Southern California.

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Waiter @Work

I can’t recall the last time my wife and I ate out at a restaurant—or even fast food. Cost is one of the major reasons, and that is about to increase with the new $20/hour minimum wage that goes into effect (appropriately) on April Fools Day. Oh, you got to love California.

Some Pizza Hut franchises won’t wait for that momentous event; two of them are laying off more than 1,200 in-house delivery drivers. Ouch. Our family eats what it cooks, except for the occasional Pizza Hut pie—and always by take away.

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My Constant Companion: Galaxy S23 Ultra

When preordering Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra on Feb. 1, 2023, I couldn’t conceive of the year that would unfold, nor the smartphone’s extraordinary documentary role. The new thang, which replaced S22 Ultra, arrived two weeks later. Seventeen days following, March 2, our daughter suffered brain trauma—”severe hypoxic injury and bilateral subcortical infarctions”—and spent the entire month in the hospital before moving on to cognitive and physical rehabilitation. While her recovery is miraculous, she suffers some handicaps that likely will remain.

My hope is for a different year ahead. But the United States moves towards presidential election dystopia, while the world shudders. Among the flashpoints: Russia-Ukraine. Gaza-Israel. China-Taiwan. North and South Korea. Problems abound across the globe, but these four regions are potential or ongoing brushfires that could engulf the world in the flames of war.

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The Cats of University Heights: Oliver and Harvey

We start the new year with not one but two additions to the series. Because I am displeased with the amount of apartment interior seen in the Featured Image, location is withheld (privacy protection). But names are accurate for the tiger tabby and coal black, which came to the window as their owner exited and drove away.

Once again, the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra‘s 10x-optical zoom lens demonstrates its worthwhile. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 50, 1/420 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 10:10 a.m. PST, Dec. 26, 2023.

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Bearded Me

The year ends with an unexpected post. Today, my cousin Dan emailed a couple older photos, both likely taken by his dad (my Uncle Glenn). Date and my age are uncertain as I write. If Dan can answer my question where, then time is something I can add later on.

I probably started the beard around age 16, definitely by 17—but age 18 or 19 is possible, too, in the Featured Image. Seventeen is my guess. If correct, location likely would be my Nana’s apartment in Lewiston, Maine. Same would be true if a year or two older.

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Nestling Neko

I scrapped my planned post, in the interest of time. My daughter needed help with health insurance stuff (open enrollment ends tomorrow for January coverage). Of course, she has to do everything by text message, which quadruples the amount of time necessary to do anything. I can more quickly explain and better keep a train of thought talking versus typing (on the phone screen).

The Featured Image was quickly taken, using Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, so that I could write about something. Neko chills with the plushie purchased for Annie during a recent trip to the Ralph’s supermarket in Hillcrest. She kind of liked it, and Christmas themed things were on sale.

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Kings (of the Road)

I don’t know why these three motorbikes were parked together in a San Diego alley. They piqued my photographic interests for being covered in raindrops. Location determined composition: I was backed against a wall; they were placed in an enclave.

The Featured Image comes from Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, on Dec. 22, 2023. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 160, 1/180 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 10:43 a.m. PST.

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Bird Breakfast

As my wife and I walked along Panorama Drive in San Diego neighborhood University Heights, she pointed out mourning doves gathered to feed. I stopped, pulled out Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, and captured the Featured Image. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 50, 1/640 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 9:27 a.m. PST, today.

The shot demonstrates some of the benefits and limitations of the smartphone’s 10x-optical zoom lens. Having such capability and reach in a device carried in the pocket is amazingly convenient. That said, image quality is nothing close to what a real camera produces. So, please, no pixel-peeping. You will be disappointed.

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Is This How You Feel?

Lots of people do, and I hope not you. Humility mixed with heap loads of gratitude is a better way to end the year. We are entitled to nothing. Most everything we have comes from somewhere else. Modern society is built on the sacrifices of those who came before us. We are indebted.

Do you grow your own food? Drill, extract, and process the gasoline for your vehicle? Generate the electricity that powers your home? Pick and mill the cotton for clothes you bought rather than made? Fresh water is piped to your home and toilet water piped away—all from infrastructure that you didn’t build, right?