A rare sighting of clouds. Yeah, it really sucks living in San Diego.

A rare sighting of clouds. Yeah, it really sucks living in San Diego.
It has been 513 calendar days since the stock market peaked on Oct. 9, 2007. Since then, the S.&P. 500 is down 56 percent and the Dow is off 53 percent. On Jan. 29, 1931—the […]
“The Rocky Mountain News is committed to good storytelling”—John Temple. The stories are no more.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev-opyE2AeU] I love great marketing videos. This one is a keeper.
The essential problem with the newspaper business today is that it is suffering from a huge imbalance between supply and demand. What the Internet has done is broken the geographical constraints on news distribution and flooded the market with stories, with product. Supply so far exceeds demand that the price of the news has dropped to zero…
So here I am driving down Qualcomm Way into Mission Valley, when this motorcycle cuts across my lane. He moved from the right through the middle lane to the left. The guy was lucky that […]
[vimeo https://vimeo.com/2723285]
My Nokia N96 experimental video blogging continues. I shot two mall escapades yesterday, but posted only the one. My goal is simple: Practice, practice, practice.
[vimeo https://vimeo.com/2693857] Happy New Year! We celebrated at the beach, where I shot some quick video using the Nokia N96. One main reason I dumped iPhone 3G for the N96: To shoot video blogs. […]
Late Christmas Eve afternoon, while driving my daughter to the skating rink, I spotted a roadsign about California’s no texting and driving law, which goes into effect Jan. 1. I just chuckled. Who the hell texts and drives? At the ice rink, I mused to two friends: “What kind of world do we live in that there has to be a law to stop people from texting and driving.”
Last night my daughter asked if I could buy a Santa hat for her to wear ice skating with friends. But I couldn’t find one anywhere. You would expect them to be sold out on Christmas Eve. Later, as I exited the UTC mall’s food court, I saw four security guards sitting around a table, the woman among them wearing a Santa hat. Surely they would know where to find one! I approached and cheerfully asked if they could suggest a store selling santa hats.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8yqYhYiveQ] I love this! What a creative use of YouTube and Minnesota winter. They go so oddly together! But, damn, what a cliffhanger. I don’t want to wait until Spring to see if […]
I am having lots of fun taking pictures with the Nokia N96. There’s something about less being more. Fewer camera adjustments is kind of liberating, as is editing JPG rather than RAW files. I highly […]