Happy Caturday! The wayward Dyson fan-heater I wrote about yesterday finally arrived—and, of course, Cali claimed immediate ownership over the box. Hours later she vacated, and the thing is set up by my desk. I […]

Happy Caturday! The wayward Dyson fan-heater I wrote about yesterday finally arrived—and, of course, Cali claimed immediate ownership over the box. Hours later she vacated, and the thing is set up by my desk. I […]
Rarely do Cali and Neko sleep together like this, but the Tortoiseshell is having an off 7 days or so. She seems unsettled. Yesterday, the petite feline watched the Apple TV Aerial screensaver for the longest time. I do mean attentively watched.
Perhaps she longs for the outdoors, which was a major part of her habitat before joining our household in October 2014. On June 5 of the same year, Cali adopted our daughter. I met Molly’s new companion the previous evening on the street.
Last night, while looking for one thing I found another: Four snapshots of Cali taken when she approached me on the street, June 4, 2014. This one is best of them. Strange, I hunted for […]
Four years ago today we lost Kuma, our Maine Coon. He lived a short, full life over 18 months—from near-death abandonment; to adoption; to surgery removing nearly two-dozen hair ties; to being hit by a car; to roaming the neighborhood as the friendly but dominant male cat.
We don’t know what happened to our boy, although coyote kill is likeliest explanation. I hadn’t considered the risk, but there is a canyon close by and the females breed this time of year and come out looking to feed. So accustomed to dogs, an indoor/outdoor California cat wouldn’t necessarily perceive danger. On Jan. 31, 2012, city workers clearing brush in a canyon found Kuma’s collar, which IKEA cat has worn since.
Hours after posting about Cali’s first year with us, she curled up with Neko on the NIPPRIG sofa where he typically sleeps. This has never happened before. The cats are territorial enough that there are some spots […]
A year ago today, my daughter’s stray cat Cali moved into the Wilcox household. I want to know where 12 months went. Whoosh! As I shared last Day of the Dead, the tortoiseshell kitty adopted my daughter soon after she moved into a group house near San Diego State University, where she goes to school. We inherited the furball, after a roommate demanded she go (the girl supposedly had animal allergies).
Cali is a stoutly independent cat. She’s a hunter and would do well on a farm. Our hefty ginger, Neko, and her are a bonded pair now. We hoped they would tolerate one another, because you never know with felines, and they’re friendly enough companions. Any time two territorial cats share space, that’s bonded enough.
My daughter’s cat takes possession of a tapestry; I snapped the pic using Nexus 6, which is my main smartphone again. I sold iPhone 6 Plus, and, unbelievably, the buyer shattered the screen not long later. […]
I shot the accompanying photos on July 23rd and saved them for today. Cali played with some dangling thing from her perch and in rare form looked cute rather than ferocious. She’s a huntress that […]
Neko and Cali snooze on my daughter’s bed. What better place to be for Saturday slumber? I shot the photo using Fujifilm X100T and editing using Google Photos. Conceded, I worked from a JPEG rather than […]
M daughter’s cat Cali assumes a rather unusual position in the custom-made tree we paid just $60 for. I love supporting a home business. I snapped the Featured Image using Nexus 6, rather than pull […]
For Caturday, we reveal what BFF really means—or at least with respect to fluffy felines. Neko, the ginger, is our shelter cat, which we adopted in March 2012 more than two months after magnificent Maine […]
My 20 year-old daughter moves home this week after two years of living elsewhere—college dorm, then group home. She will take our bedroom, in a swap with her parents. As part of the preparation, my […]