On February 4, Microsoft named Satya Nadella the new CEO, replacing Steve Ballmer. I decided to jump, and gather a group of folks to discuss what the transition means, using Google Hangouts On Air. What’s the saying about reading the instructions first?
Tag: Microsoft

Resistance is Futile
Okay, I can agree: We should be worrying about Google’s assimilation and consolidation, and here’s why. Without question Google is the new Microsoft. The search giant seeks a unified suite of indispensable integrated products—indispensable not […]

Windows Phone 7—Another Spec on the Wall

Oh My Goodness
Earlier today, Michael Gartenberg, my boss from when we both worked at JupiterResearch, retweeted Pete Bernard’s “development goodness,” which linked to Sam Jarawan post “Why I love Windows Phone 7 Development.” Somebody has got to save the world from all this goodness.
Beauty Scarred, But Taken
The iPhone 4 antenna issue is a scar on a beautiful woman. You don’t break up with the woman because of it, you work around it because of her other attributes. She might even put […]
Kevin Turner's iPhone 4 FUD
It looks like iPhone 4 might be their Vista, and I’m OK with that. That’s another mantle they’re welcome to take. I actually read that headline last week, and I just sort of had to […]
Protecting Legacies
Cash cows are wonderful things to have. But you have to use the revenue to invest in the future, not to protect the legacies. Steve Wildstrom That one statement assesses everything that is wrong about […]

Even Paper Is Better Than Windows Mobile
Say, does anyone remember that the Census Bureau was supposed to use HTC handsets running Windows Mobile 5 this year? I briefly blogged about the strange deal on April 6, 2006: “When New Technology is Old Again.”
HTC handsets running Windows Mobile used for the 2010 Census go oddly together—or they did four years ago. The Census Bureau had reportedly planned to buy a half-million handsets for this year’s count.

New York Dog Walkers Bing? What About California?
Microsoft has this nifty marketing promotion where New York City dog walkers wear Bing T-Shirts. Hell, why not any city in California? The people out here are dog nuts, sometimes walking two or three animals at once.

Former Microsofties, Can I Tell Your Story?
One of my blogging goals is to shift the focus away from dry technology to people, whether they be innovators or consumers. Focus should be the people and the stories they tell. That’s what Oddly Together is really about. Today’s unexpected Microsoft layoffs—800 employees—is good opportunity to tell stories.
Holy. Crap. I don’t think we have any unbruised skin left on our body to take any more lumps regarding our mobile strategy. The Microsoft Mismanagement theory is in full force as we throw any […]
Windows Phone 'Lie to Me' Edition
Last week, while watching Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s stiff introduction to Windows Phone, I wondered about his facial and body language. He didn’t exactly seem happy to be introducing Windows Phone, which launches a new brand for Microsoft and its hardware partners.