Tag: street photography

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The Cats of University Heights: Forest

This tabby quite possibly no longer lives in the neighborhood, but its caretaker does—and that’s reason enough to share this long-overlooked putty, which is the one-hundredth presented behind either window or door.

I used Leica Q to capture the Featured Image on April 28, 2018. Vitals, aperture and shutter speed manually set: f/1.7, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 28mm; 7:11 p.m. PDT, which was 18 minutes before sunset.

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Someone Saved Bruce

A few days ago, I happened upon the owner of Bruce, Guido, and Little as she walked dog Apple—and two of the tabbies trailed along, as they so often do. She had a frightening tale to tell me. The previous week, someone started to relentlessly pound on her apartment door when she, unfortunately, was showering. She got out of the water quick as she could, all while the banging continued nonstop. The front door opened to an anxious neighbor warning something bad happened to Bruce.

He and Guido had been curled up on the property, towards the back nearby the fence. Some guy walking a dog let it get close to the cats. Suddenly, somewhat unsteady being apparently inebriated, he tripped, which lengthened the leash’s reach—allowing the dog to advance on Bruce, grab him by head and shoulder, and thrash him about the way a canine might one of those stupid plush toys.

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The Cats of University Heights: Meegels

The ninety-ninth feline found behind glass or screen resides in the same house as Lucy, assuming that she is still alive. The tabby was nine years old when appearing in the series four years ago. The newcomer prefers window to door, where Lucy would hang out.

I used iPhone 13 Pro to capture the Featured Image on July 2, 2022. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 32, 1/673 sec, 77mm; 2:59 p.m. PDT. We need a nickname. How about Muffin? Oh, and happy Caturday!

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‘We Don’t Socialize on Leash’

About two weeks ago, as I approached the barber for my bi-monthly trim, two adults, child, and dog pranced around in front of the adjacent grocery. The woman is sister to the owner and the little girl either belongs to her or the brother—my apologies for not knowing which. The doggie’s owner is the barber’s tenant living in an alley apartment. Their infectious happiness lifted the entire block’s emotional atmosphere.

But then the dark cloud came. In the bike lane, a woman approached, running behind another smallish dog. The little girl walked towards the newcomers, for a moment of meet-and-greet fido fun. Then came the tersely-emphasized putdown: “We don’t socialize on leash“. I turned to the store owner’s sister with a shrug, uplifted palms, and WTF expression. She similarly acknowledged.

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The Cats of University Heights: Sneaky

As we walked along Mississippi Street, my wife heard meows behind bushes. I stopped to explore, which prompted the source to go camouflage—and revealed why the kitty beckoned but stopped short of coming out for pats: He (or she) watched birdies.

I pulled out iPhone 13 Pro and captured six shots, and that many is uncharacteristic of my shooting style. But the animal kept looking sideways towards birdsong, presenting obscured profiles. While in two others the tabby’s full face is visible, I chose for the Featured Image cuter expression—even if partially hidden. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 125, 1/99 sec, 77mm; 6:07 p.m. PDT, July 20, 2022.

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Praising the 135mm

In a post dateline eight days ago, Phoblographer publisher Chris Gampat explains “What You Should Know Before Buying a 135mm Lens“. He describes my favorite Prime focal length: “a magical wonder for many photographers”; “optically speaking, no one looks bad on the other end of this lens”; “notoriously hard to get in focus”; and “render[s] super tight if you don’t have a lot of room”. Also calling 135mm a “pain”, he acknowledges: “I’ll admit they can create beautiful photos”.

If shooting an interchangeable lens camera, rather than fixed-28mm Leica Q2, I absolutely would favor 135mm. Honestly, I might go 85mm for close spaces but otherwise mainly use the longer focal length. I love 135mm.

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Modes of Transportation

Please forgive my impertinence, but I chuckled when seeing a Go-Go brand four-wheeler parked alongside more traditional two-wheel scooters—the former being designed for people disabled by age or infirmity. You’ll find younger, abler-bodies riding on the others.

The group seemed so right together and yet so wrong—meaning: The four-wheeler, or its driver, aspiring to be more like the others, who should stop and wonder what they might someday truck on. Of course, the little vehicles will be voice- (or mind) activated, artificial intelligence-guided, and self-driving decades when need arises to use them.

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The Cats of University Heights: Twinkle

We unofficially celebrate Caturday with a basking black seen late this afternoon along Maryland Street. Because kids and kitties live in the somewhat identifiable home, cross-street is withheld to protect residents’ privacy.

I used iPhone 13 Pro to capture the Featured Image. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 40, 1/99 sec, 77mm; 4:46 p.m. PDT. At least one other feline belongs to the family. I saw the longhair a few months ago but failed to get a portrait.

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Bluegrass and Monochrome

The third of four Friday live music concerts filled Old Trolley Barn Park this evening in my San Diego neighborhood of University Heights. Bluegrass greeted descending dusk as I arrived packing Leica Q2 Monochrom. I captured crowd shots—three, and share two.

As an afterthought, I pulled out iPhone 13 Pro for a single color composition, which I chose for the Featured Image. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/99 sec, 77mm; 7:37 p.m. PDT.

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The Cats of University Heights: Jabba

Had I passed by this alley window seconds later, the black and white in the foreground would have been out of sight. Only companion Solo would be seen and added to the series alone. Cat-prowling, like so many others things in life, is all about timing.

I used iPhone 13 Pro to capture the Featured Image on May 4, 2022. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 32, 1/2597 sec, 77mm; 9:54 a.m. PDT. Since Star Wars fans regard as special the date—because “May the Force be with you”—I feel inclined to assign an appropriately silly nickname. How about Jabba, who this shorthair looks nothing like, which is my point. May the Fourth and may the Force? Seriously, people?

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The Cats of University Heights: Solo

The parade of kitties looking out from indoors continues with the ninety-seventh feline found behind door or window. Initially, two were together—as you will see in the next profile. This fine furball appeared as his (or her) companion departed from a vantage on the Florida side of the alley separating Alabama. I used iPhone 13 Pro to capture the Featured Image, on May 4, 2022. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 32, 1/1815 sec, 77mm; 9:54 a.m. PDT.

Since Star Wars fans regard as special the date—because “May the Force be with you”—and also acknowledging that the other cat abandoned this one, nickname Solo suits both situations. The moniker refers to character Han or to being alone. Clever, eh?

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Six Flags

For Independence Day, I shot two different flag illustrations, choosing the one along the bike lanes. The Featured Image is the other, captured using Leica Q2 along Lincoln Avenue in San Diego neighborhood University Heights. […]