Tag: urban photography

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What’s the Buzz?

This afternoon, I sighted my first Volkswagen ID. Buzz electric bus parked along Shirley Ann Place in my humble neighborhood of University Heights. Until the encounter, I was thrilled about VW bringing back the minibus, which is one of my all-time favorite vehicles.

But this thing is ugly (and pricey). And all electric? Not hybrid? When I think of the evocative freedom to travel that a minibus imbues, limited range between charges squashes ambiance and purpose behind it.

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Gone Without Fanfare or Ceremony

Eleven days ago, I shared a short homage to the Barber of Seville, who retired at the end of the year. He cut hair for about half a century and kept at it past age 80. George clearly wanted to keep going, but he ached and tired too easily. Time had come to close a career that defined the man and the customer social circle built up over decades. Surely, he is lonelier for the retirement. He will be missed.

Today, I walked up Monroe Street to Park Blvd, in my San Diego neighborhood of University Heights. Across the way, a worker prepared to remove the business sign hanging over the door. He had already detached the thing from the building. Sometime later, I passed again. The smaller barber’s sign had been removed, too.

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Closed for Business

The Barber of Seville is responsible for most of my haircuts during our more than 17 years living in San Diego. His shop is, or was, located along Park Blvd in my neighborhood of University Heights. He trimmed my thinning locks one final time on Dec. 5, 2024, about a week before his last scheduled customer—appropriately a priest (George is a good Catholic).

He cut hair for about 45 years, 30 of them in the same location. He owns the building, and at our last meeting he was unsure what business would take over the space. Recently, somebody put up brown paper, covering the windows from inside. Something is going on inside as preparation for whatever will be the next occupant.

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First Shot, Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra

The Featured Image isn’t award-winning photography, but it turns out to be a good quick test of the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra‘s main camera—and it’s the first taken, too. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 80, 1/5000 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 10:55 a.m. PST. Composed as shot; no edits.

This morning, I sat in a North Park laundry waiting for Pizza Hut to open when the idea of shooting the window got me. The reversed letters are excellent point of focus, while the overall scene presented the smartphone camera with varying, contrasting areas of dark and light.

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Creature Feature

Sometimes, it’s not what you shoot but why. On Nov. 10, 2024, while walking along an alley in my San Diego neighborhood of University Heights, my wife and I passed a collection of kids’ toys looking down from a roof.

Initially, I continued on, then stopped, when mentally revisualizing the scene. Sulley the monster appears to be holding up the metal bar. I assume that was the intention of the person putting the Disney character there, but it could be coincidence, too.

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One Crazy Inauguration Day

A little after Noon, today, Donald Trump became President for the second time—47th and previously 45th. During his acceptance speech he promised to immediately secure the Southern Border, asserted there are two genders—male and female (and I agree)—pledged to reduce inflation and create jobs, and thanked God.

As he stopped by different venues during the day’s events, he signed a rash of executive actions (e.g. orders), which include: ending diversity, equity, and inclusion programs across the Federal government; recognizing biological sex, not gender identity; designating international cartels (think Mexican) as terrorist organizations; and withdrawing the United States from the Paris (Climate) Agreement and World Health Organization, among a slew of others.

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Gritty Graffiti

Let me preface this post by strongly saying that the Featured Image isn’t an expression about my attitude with respect to the current crisis in the Middle East. Rather, I observe surprising graffiti and use it to illustrate current events.

A tenuous ceasefire is underway between Israel and adversaries in Gaza and Lebanon. Earlier today, Hamas released the first three of 33 hostages in exchange for 90 by the Israelis. The conflict started on Oct. 7, 2003 when terrorists breached Israeli defenses from Gaza, killed more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and grabbed 254 hostages. Nearly 100 remain in captivity.

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Classic Cars Meetup

This afternoon, I walked over to unbeloved Hillcrest to mail a package at the United States Post Office. The postal workers were friendly and helpful, but the place was surprisingly not crowded. Plausible explanation: This is a holiday weekend for some people, particularly leading into Monday events.

Jan. 20, 2025 celebrates Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday, and the day will also be the inauguration of Donald Trump as 47th president of the United States. If Microsoft Copilot can be trusted for accuracy, Trump will only be the second President to serve non-consecutive terms (Grover Cleveland is the other).

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Where are the Partridges?

A few weeks ago, when walking to Smart & Final for groceries, I observed a woman across the street decorating a utility box. She painted something, but I couldn’t see what. Now I know, and so do you. The motif somewhat reminds me of the Patridge Family bus. And you?

I used Nikon Zf and NIKKOR 40mm f/2 (SE) lens to capture the Featured Image on Jan. 13, 2025. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/2, ISO 100, 1/6400 sec, 40mm; 1:21 p.m. PDT.

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Fly Me to the Moon

Desert weather conditions are Southern California’s temporary climate, as the Santa Ana winds whip through. Their ferocity fanned fires that destroyed large swaths of Los Angeles County neighborhoods Altadena and Pacific Palisades, during the past week. The two largest fires, Eaton and Palisades, are marginally contained—35 percent and 18 percent, respectively. Fire warnings remain in effect until at least tomorrow afternoon.

By contrast, here in San Diego, risk remains but nowhere as high as Los Angeles. Skies are clear, and wildfires are negligent. Nights are blisteringly cold and days delightfully warm, all unseasonably. When I got out of bed this morning, around 4:30 a.m. PST, the outside temperature was, according to the Android weather app, 4 degrees Celsius (40 Fahrenheit) with 38 percent humidity. By mid-afternoon: 21 C (70 F) and 11 percent humidity. That’s very desert-like.

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Put Down That Device; Read a Book

I see Little Free Library boxes all over my San Diego neighborhood of University Heights. The Mrs. and me passed the one in the Featured Image along Arizona somewhere between Adams and Monroe. That location could be Normal Heights or North Park, depending on who you ask.

The painted motif on the side is what piqued my interest. I used my newly acquired Nikon Zf and NIKKOR 40mm f/2 (SE) lens to capture the moment. Vitals: f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 40mm; 1:53 p.m. PST.

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Happy New Year!

What is the meaning of the Featured Image? Simply stated: 2025 is a gift, and it’s a gift we should share with other people. Opportunity abounds, if we let it. The first, and very vital, step: Embarking from day one with a positive attitude.

We can make this year one of the most remarkable in human history, and honestly—given some of the chaos around the globe—we don’t have much other choice.