When is a Donkey a Jackass?

The Democrats’ convention ends today (finally). Like last month’s Republican event, I bothered not to watch the speeches. My disinterest is all the greater for this week’s political powwow in Chicago—if for no other reason than Joseph Biden’s virtual assassination. As previously stated, it was clear to me weeks before his disastrous debate performance on June 27, 2024 that he was being set up.

I still can’t reckon why Biden and his team chose to take on Trump before the convention, or delegates’ virtual role call beforehand. Debates are always held in September and October, after candidates are formally chosen. Who voted for Kamala Harris? Nobody. Biden’s ouster removed the democratically chosen candidate during the primary voting process. Stated differently, at least for this election cycle, Democrats have proven to be undemocratic.

If the Donkey Party will do that to their President, what won’t they do to anyone else to win? That includes you. The reinvention of Harris deserves Oscars for best actress in a leading role, choreography, costumes, director, and screenplay. Her ascension is a movie plot—but a story predicated on lies, misdirection, and gaslighting. My peers in the news media work hardest to remake Harris, who even six weeks ago they ridiculed as a liability to the Democrat ticket. Now she’s a darling. Someone tell me what changed.

Now, let’s be clear: I ain’t singing Republican praises, either. We can save my gripes about the other party for a different day. However, I will state this: People reveal their real characters, stripped of facades and lies, during crisis. Donald Trump showed something shockingly commendable about himself in the minutes following the failed physical assassination attempt, when instead of cowering behind Secret Service agents and rushing for the safety of bullet-proof vehicle he rose up, raised his fist, and mouthed “fight, fight, fight”.

Well, after tonight, the 2024 Presidential Election will be fully underway. Based on some news reports about the speeches, I see possible branding emerging for the Democrats—and Republicans should take notes. In marketing, truly successful businesses, organizations, or political candidates are defined by a single word. For Volvo, it’s safety. For Barack Obama in 2008: change. Looks like it’s freedom for Democrats up and down the ballot. Need I even explain all the loaded positive connotations to that one?

I used Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra to shoot the Featured Image, along one of the alleys in my San Diego neighborhood of University Heights. Vitals: f/1.7, ISO 12, 1/320 sec, 23mm (film equivalent); 5:55 p.m. PDT, Aug. 19, 2024.