Author: Joe Wilcox

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Election Stormfront

As I write, Midterm election results roll in around the country. Republicans look for a so-called Red Wave, while Democrats hope to avoid a tsunami. Even a storm surge could flip the House and Senate. Tomorrow will tell, if not later tonight.

For San Diegans, today, the storm is quite literal—rains and gusty winds that continue now. Early risers were denied view of the lunar eclipse. Well, another comes in three years; maybe you can count on clear skies.

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Adventure Advertising

Unless mistaken, my wife and I saw this pull-trailer promoting GoCamp, which rents camper vans, parked on Florida Street here in University Heights. I perused the company’s website: Including duplicates, 46 vehicles are available from San Diego to the destination of your choice.

Based on interior—exterior, not so much—I rather fancy Van Luca: Mercedes-Benz Sprinter or Gia, which “is a 2009 Ford Econoline 150 Chariot hi-top conversion”. They are available for $179 and $145 per night, respectively. Neither can be driven one-way; got to bring them back. The Benz burns diesel, which is something of a liability because of high costs; the Ford is a gas-guzzler.

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The Cats of University Heights: Mariner

I occasionally worry that indoor cats will lose their outdoor views, if their owners disapprove of my camera work. That concern is why the Featured Image is converted monochrome from color and location isn’t given; somewhat protects privacy of the residents. Because for months, I passed by this house and could somewhat see the cat tree behind the glass; nothing more. But then, for the first—and only—time (so far), the window was open and the black and white visible; Oct. 22, 2022, which was a lovely autumn (if such season exists in San Diego) day. I want the kitty to enjoy many more.

This fine feline is the one-hundred-second seen behind either window or door—that’s out of 515 profiles since the series started in October 2016. I used iPhone 13 Pro to shoot the portrait. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 80, 1/99 sec, 77mm; 5:01 p.m. PDT.

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Last Millennium Computing

Every day is a surprise when walking San Diego alleys. Perhaps you remember the art gallery, big face clockfamily roomrustic mirror, rusty typewriter, Seventies stove, snowboarding boots, Victorian-style sofa, or Vitamaster Slendercycle, among many odd items left for scavengers. But today’s sighting flushed up memories. I owned one of these.

Apple released the PowerMac G3 (Blue and White) in 1999, which makes it oh-so last Century. Among the innovations: The side opened out, revealing the innards and opportunity to make modest upgrades (hey, emphasis modest because proprietary is the company’s calling card). In the Featured Image, and companion, the blue circle above the Apple logo is the release latch.

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Down the Drain

I sit and wonder on Friday evening before Election Tuesday what will be the outcome for the Midterms. For months, gleeful pundits predicted a Red Wave, as an angry and dissatisfied electorate boots Democrats from local political offices all the way to the halls of the U.S. Capitol. If the prognosticators prove right, red will better describe the bloodbath than resurgent Republicans.

Even in deep Blue California, Red rises enough that Joseph Biden stumped for candidates in San Diego County—last night and today. Supposedly, Democratic Rep. Mike Levin risks being unseated by Republican challenger Brian Maryott in the 49th District. If a Dem incumbent can’t defend against a Repub upstart in the Bluest state, the Jackass party is just that before the Elephant in the room (these folks really need better mascots/symbols).

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This is Pat

A year or so before China locked down Wuhan because of SARS-CoV-2(severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2)/COVID-19, I saw someone rummaging recyclables from bins in an alley. I had a bag of seltzer cans to put out and gave them to the fellow, whom fit my stereotype of a homeless scrounger. But days later, we passed again—and then less than a week later, once more. He was a regular.

When we had amassed more giveaways and he appeared in the alley, I made a delivery and conversation. He wasn’t homeless! He lives here in my San Diego neighborhood of University Heights. He is perfectly housed and also nearly blind. Meet Pat. I wish more people showed as much self-reliance, even without a debilitating handicap.

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How Timely

As an educational exercise, tonight, I re-edited the Featured Image, which I captured on June 6, 2021 using Leica Q2. It’s a long-exposure, from which a little camera shake is evident. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/2.8, ISO 400, 8 sec, 28mm; 9:46 p.m. PDT. Composed as shot.

I acquired the Luminox Automatic Sport Timer 0921 a few days earlier and still almost exclusively wear the watch sixteen months later. I love it. Persistent luminescence is an enormous benefit—and the timepiece is analog, which means mostly perpetual operation; no battery change, ever.

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Warty Witch Remembers

Seven years ago today, I posted a lengthy, revised review of the Nexus 9 tablet. In 2022, I use an 11-inch iPad Pro M1. That’s the state of my current computing life, which is matched by iPhone 13 Pro and 16.2-inch MacBook Pro. Not long ago, I was all-in with Google devices—as recently as 2019. But I eventually bit into the bitter fruit that is Apple, partially because Big G introduced excellent gear that later would be abandoned. Also, I saw increasing need not to be bound to constant Internet access.

That said, I had some satisfying digital lifestyle days using Chromebook Pixel and LS successor, among other Google devices. Pixel C remains one of my all-time favorite tablets, in part for the crisp display and Android utility. I still have one in the closet, languishing; four or five Android versions ago, support stopped. I also still own Pixel 2 XL, which similarly can’t be updated.

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The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Boo

Three consecutive honorary kitties might make you wonder if there aren’t many more in the neighborhood to present. Oh, there are. Coincidental circumstance is reason for this trio. Nothing more.

My wife and I walked to the alley where yesterday afternoon a lonesome tabby hung out at a building site. We hoped to see the animal, but a construction crew prattled about, ensuring no sensible putty would stay anywhere nearby. That said, Annie pointed out a different shorthair lurking about half way there. How lucky! A black cat. On Halloween!

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The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Lonesome

While walking along Madison towards Texas, I spontaneously changed route down the Arizona alley. Approaching Monroe, I came upon a tabby nestled in the dirt of a recently cleared construction site. Something is being built.

My mistaken first impression: The kitty crouched down in stalking repose. But approaching, I could see the cat waited for something, or someone, else. The tiger mewed pleadingly but didn’t come near, and I wondered: Was the cat’s home the structure that no longer is there? Because that’s my second impression—the animal waiting for its owners to come. Is someone abandoned?

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Sale Sofa or a New Car?

Few San Diego neighborhoods can compete with Hillcrest for the financial gulf between those with means and others with little or none. People pay beaucoup bucks to live and party in what I unaffectionately call Hellcrest, where the homeless camp or roam rampant and the housed sidestep those who aren’t like someone might a piece of dog poop.

Sofa sale at one of the finer furniture boutiques had me laughing on Oct. 13, 2022. I can’t say which is funnier: The 50-percent discount or the original price—both of which you can see in the Featured Image, which I captured using Leica Q2 Monochrom through the display window. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/5.6, ISO 200, 1/100 sec, 28mm; 10:37 a.m. PDT.

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What’s Not to Like?

I am not a car guy, but even poor pitifully mechanically-challenged me croons over this Land Cruiser. Anyone know the vintage? The color and styling beam classic. My wild, uninformed guess is a model from the 1980s.

On Oct. 21, 2022, I just happened to come upon the vehicle as it was being parked. I waited a bit, rushed back, and grabbed a single shot using Leica Q2. My intention was to get more vantage points. But I returned later to find that the owner had pulled over a protective cover. The off-red and beige beauty is still parked with fitted-tarp. Protection from the Southern sun prevents photo followups. Oh, well.