Color and composition take the Day and brilliant blue sky as canvas. Nicolas Raymond shot “Vibrant Hot Air Balloons” on Aug. 17, 2013, using Canon EOS 5D Mark II and E F24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens. Vitals: […]

Color and composition take the Day and brilliant blue sky as canvas. Nicolas Raymond shot “Vibrant Hot Air Balloons” on Aug. 17, 2013, using Canon EOS 5D Mark II and E F24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens. Vitals: […]
The ‘last from the series”, Anshum Mandore says, “and my favorite one at that. Especially love the abundance of raindrops in this picture, the expression on her face and the toning that i have been […]
Professor Anjan Chatterjee is chair of neurology for Pennsylvania Hospital, in Philadelphia. Author of The Aesthetic Brain, “his clinical practice focuses on patients with cognitive disorders”, according to the official bio. “His research addresses questions about spatial […]
By including the crowd, and making it primary point of focus, Eser Aygün gives great perspective for the light show, which also appeals for color. He shot self-titled “Fireworks” on Jan. 1, 2015—Happy (belated) New […]
On Sept. 16, 2015, Apple released iOS 9, which enables users of iPad and iPhone to disable ads. The company claims the capability improves the overall user experience. As someone covering the tech industry for more than two decades, I perceive it as something else, too: Competitive assault against Google and means of pushing publishers to iOS 9’s new News app. There is nothing friendly about Apple’s maneuver. It is aggressive and tactical. But does it really matter?
Stated simply: More than 90 percent of Google revenue comes from contextual and search-related advertising. Apple derives about the same figure from selling devices and supporting services. At the same time, mobile is the future of Internet advertising and the battleground where the two meet. The entities’ respective mobile platforms, Android and iOS, long ago put the tech titans on a collision course. Conceptually, what Apple can’t gain from iPad and iPhone sales, it can take by shaking pillars supporting its rival’s business.
For our two-hundred-and-sixty-second selection, I take the first risk of the series, regarding copyrights. Self-titled “M45: The Pleiades” is astronomy picture book amazing, I can’t believe that Luis Argerich captured the image with telescope and […]
April 2009, I busily bang out a news analysis for Microsoft Watch, one of two news sites I edit for Ziff Davis Enterprise. My boss sounds alarm that there is some jeopardy to my job. I earn a six-figure salary, which panics investors/creditors that recently increased involvement in editorial operations. He infers that I am the highest-paid writer on staff.
Days later, he informs me that in two weeks, ZDE will lay me off—the first time this has ever happened in my long journalist career. My last day will be April 30. As the end approaches, but I continue to produce content normally, he returns with an offer: Stay on writing news stories for eWeek, take a 36 percent reduction in pay, and agree to a 5-story-per-day quota. I politely decline but privately fume.
Selfie king—the only appropriate description—Christian Bucad is quite creative capturing himself digitally. He is no Snapchat snapper. His poses are thoughtful, well-composed, and often demand good photographic know-how. Doesn’t hurt that he is a good-looking-enough […]
You don’t pick a Ted Lee pic. It choose you. His photostream is a marvelous mix of street art and studio portraits, and the view counts are unusually high. He shot self-titled “Embarcadero” on April […]
My daughter’s cat takes possession of a tapestry; I snapped the pic using Nexus 6, which is my main smartphone again. I sold iPhone 6 Plus, and, unbelievably, the buyer shattered the screen not long later. […]
The photostream of Thomas Leth-Olsen is a study in objects—and perspective about them. Our Day Taker is example, from the vantage point of color rather than direction. Simplicity creates drama. He shot self-titled “Twist” on Aug. […]
Photojournalist Giannis Angelakis has a wicked eye. The images he captures on the streets of Greece evoke emotion, and you immediately want to know what is the backstory for each. I could fill a week’s […]