The “photostream is full of life” a commenter expresses to Matthew G., who doesn’t reveal his last name on Flickr or Facebook. She rightly identifies his street style, which makes picking a single pic misery. […]
Flickr a Day 298: ‘Violinist at Pike Place Market’
After a hiatus, we return to street photography for the next couple of days. “During my walk around Pike Place Market, I encountered a street performer who was playing a violin”, Lan Phan says. Hence […]
Hey, Washington Post (and Other Investigators), How About Comparing Candidate Spending Habits?
Let me preface: this is not a political endorsement for Donald Trump or anyone else. But the comedy and drama of this early campaign cycle sure is interesting. Among yesterday’s dramedy stories catching my attention: Washington Post on Mr. Trump telling super PACs to return contributions gathered in his name.
The presidential hopeful finances the campaign from his wealth and smaller donations from individual contributors. I got to wondering: Wouldn’t a candidate largely using his own money spend differently from someone getting to what amounts to free cash? There’s a stereotype that people spend their own (say, savings) more prudentially than what comes easily and freely (like credit). Is there a difference this early on among the would-be nominees in how or where they spend on the respective campaigns?
Flickr a Day 297: ‘Lost and Found But Useless’
Composition and beautiful bokeh—and story behind the pic—make today’s pick. I also like the contrasty colors set against the device’s drab and recognizable Apple logo. Cacho Menguito shot self-titled “Lost and Found But Useless” on Sept. […]
Chromecast (2015) Review
This is one of the easiest reviews to write—and the shortest, too. If you own an Android or iOS device, buy the new Chromecast. Nothing more needs to be said, but I am obliged because you do want to know why. Right?
Google opened up the streaming stick category with launch of the original Chromecast, in July 2013. Release of its successor, on Sept. 29, 2015, makes an already compelling platform better. I see two benefits that matter: WiFi AC support and the hanging dongle design. Wireless update primps the device for faster routers, like Google’s own OnHub. The other is more crucial. Some people needing or wanting to plug into one of a TV’s rear HDMI ports may find the original Chromecast won’t fit. The new design, puck hanging from HDMI cable, solves that problem.
Flickr a Day 296: ‘Jack Frost’
What an interesting autumn shot, and I’m still not 100 percent sure what we see. Is that a coin, or a token? I immediately thought train tracks, but we look down the boards of deck, […]
Bump Art
Sometimes I am shocked to find myself out of touch with popular culture—and that’s a terrible admission living in Southern California, where pronounced body art can be seen everywhere. Yet, not until yesterday’s Flickr Blog post “Belly Paining” and link to small gallery of photos had I ever seen such a thing.
Yeah, my wife and I are middle-aged parents with a daughter in college—removed from immediate contact with expectant-mother lifestyle. Nevertheless, how in the land of tattoos could I miss something so interesting, creative, and personally expressive? What a wonderful way to celebrate the joys (and hardships) of pregnancy.
Flickr a Day 295: Is It the Eyes?
I selected this untitled capture by Dan Foy after seeing it has more than 46,000 views—considerably greater number than the nude of the same woman. I must admit that it’s a simple, straightforward photo that […]
Flickr a Day 294: ‘Observed Reader’
Like yesterday’s selection, I picked the pic for mood, and ambiance—and remembrance. I lived long in the Washington, D.C. area before relocating to San Diego eight years ago. Julian Ortiz captures many images like self-titled “Observed […]
This is New
Hours after posting about Cali’s first year with us, she curled up with Neko on the NIPPRIG sofa where he typically sleeps. This has never happened before. The cats are territorial enough that there are some spots […]
Cali Decorates Every Room
A year ago today, my daughter’s stray cat Cali moved into the Wilcox household. I want to know where 12 months went. Whoosh! As I shared last Day of the Dead, the tortoiseshell kitty adopted my daughter soon after she moved into a group house near San Diego State University, where she goes to school. We inherited the furball, after a roommate demanded she go (the girl supposedly had animal allergies).
Cali is a stoutly independent cat. She’s a hunter and would do well on a farm. Our hefty ginger, Neko, and her are a bonded pair now. We hoped they would tolerate one another, because you never know with felines, and they’re friendly enough companions. Any time two territorial cats share space, that’s bonded enough.
Nexus 5X Early Review
The question everyone should ask about Google-branded, LG-manufactured Nexus 5X: Who is it for? My first-impressions review primarily focuses on the answer. My wife is one person, and I am surprised. Because conceptually she steps down from the Motorola Droid Turbo, which by raw specs is the superior mobile. Budget buyers also should consider the 5X or anyone living the Google lifestyle or wanting stock Android.
The new handset course corrects last year’s release blunder, when Google sized up to 6-inch screen with the Nexus 6, leaving many satisfied N5 owners in stunned silence followed by loud complaint. While a N6 fan, I agree: It is a huge phone that is overly large for the majority of prospective buyers. This year’s solution is smart. Google released two smartphones: Nexus 6P, which while phablet-class is markedly more manageable in the hands than its predecessor; Nexus 5X, for people wanting something smaller and for N5 owners looking to upgrade.