Yesterday, while taking a break from writing analysis “You’ve Been Misled About Fake News“, I walked to clear my thinking. I turned down Delaware for a looksee into the canyon, when white flashed in my […]
Tag: photography
The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Sammy
Sammy is so spectacular she gets second treatment as special guest to our neighborhood series. Should you ever visit The Hub plaza in Hillcrest, which is adjacent to University Heights, stop by DC Computers. If you’re lucky, a slanky tuxedo furball will be relaxed along a wall—or perhaps she will be in the side room, door ajar, where is her cat tree.
Call her mascot or store mouser. Sammy came to the Mac and PC sales/service shop as a six-week old kitten more than five years ago. Yesterday, one of the clerks pointed to an iMac keyboard, where the little thing lay her first day as a resident. She stays inside even when the outside doors are wide open during the summer heat.
The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Chill
On Nov. 5, 2016, my wife Anne and I walked down Adams Ave. and back to Monroe by way of Arizona, where we spotted a kitty who receives my nickname Chill. We had crossed Texas […]
The Cats of University Heights: Bell
One month ago, I began this series depicting furballs roaming around my neighborhood. The postings will continue but at slower pace than one-a-day. Hell, how many domestic cats can there be here? I don’t expect […]
The Cats of University Heights: Stalker
Where are all these kitties coming from? For years, I hardly spotted any in the neighborhood, and now they appear quite unexpectedly—as did Stalker (my name for him) on Nov. 12, 2016. My wife and […]
The Cats of University Heights: Black and White
I am amazed to discover new neighborhood cats, nearly a month into posting this series—particularly along regular walk routes. I spotted today’s feline, Nov. 11, 2016, on Cleveland down from Meade. The Featured Image is […]
The Cats of University Heights: Betty
Some furballs lap up the attention, which I’m happy to give. But their need can really muck up the portraiture, which is the case with Betty (her real name), whom I visited on Nov. 11, 2016 in the alley behind North Avenue up from Madison.
Among the 10 photos shot with Fujifilm X-T1 and Fujinon XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS lens, this is the only truly usable one; it’s marginal, but I want Betty to participate in the series. Featured Image vitals: f/4.5, ISO 6400, 1/58 sec, 21.4mm. I cropped and auto-tuned White Balance in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. The JPEG is converted from RAW. I captured the moment at 5:01 p.m. PST, about 12 minutes after sunset.
The Cats of University Heights: Mini
We begin the first of three cat portraits shot on Veteran’s Day (November 11) afternoon. Look closely and you will see this kitty is missing one front leg. Mini (real name) gets around surprisingly fast, and […]
The Cats of University Heights: Skit
Yesterday’s kitty must be related to Skit (not her real name but chosen for skittish behavior). Perhaps they’re littermates, or today’s furball is the kitten; she’s not exactly the biggest beast on the block. Their […]
The Cats of University Heights: Lurks
Sometimes the best cat pic isn’t the one you want but what you can get. Yesterday afternoon, I walked through a new part of the neighborhood, around Arch and Meade streets, looking for furballs to […]
The Cats of University Heights: Scout
On a March 22, 2016 Campus and North Avenues Cat Walk, I spotted Scout—well, my nickname for him. I’ve looked for, but not seen, the furball since. I shot both photos at 6:12 p.m. PDT using the Fujifilm X-T1 and Fujinon XF35mmF2 R WR lens. Another capture was botched, despite best composition of the three, because the focal point fell on the grass instead of the animal.
My guess, looking at the colorization of the images, I used the camera’s Classic Chrome Film Simulation mode, which is a delight. If I rightly recall, Fuji introduced the filter first for the X100T, which I owned before buying the X-T1 in July 2015.
The Cats of University Heights: Cozy
Yesterday, as my wife and I walked down Monroe from Park Blvd., where we voted minutes earlier, a friendly feline snatched our attention. I had seen him several times previously, even featuring a distance shot with […]