Tag: photography

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The Players

Friends invited me to attend Spirit West Coast at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in 2008. I couldn’t guess what to expect—and, whoa, what a surprise. The atmosphere felt good and the overall ambience refreshed and enlivened. Christian musicians. Families. Young adults. All having fun at a festival where there was no alcohol or illegal substances. I was surprised. Transfixed.

I attended the following year, too. But those days are gone. The music festival no longer comes to San Diego County.

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We Say Sad Goodbye to AT&T U-verse

The Wilcox family was an early adopter when AT&T U-verse arrived in our San Diego neighborhood in February 2008. The IPTV service came with 18Mbps DSL Internet, which we upgraded to 24Mbps in May 2010. During July 2014, we switched off the service in a cut-the-cord experiment that failed; we still needed wired Internet and streaming options turned out to be cumbersome and not cost-savings enough. U-verse returned until November 2015, when we tried all-streaming once more. But AT&T IPTV won us back, not long later.

In October 2017, we moved to a different apartment in University Heights, where seven blocks changed everything: AT&T offered 18Mbps Internet (rather than the 75Mbps we then had) but no U-verse. Cancellation was the only option and switch to competitor Cox. By June 2019, the company could deliver the previous Internet speed and IPTV. We gladly returned to being customers. At Midnight tonight, the relationship ends—and I feel nostalgic about the necessary change.

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The Shredded Republic

For this Memorial Day we present a solemn sentiment reflecting the tattered state of the Republic, which is shorn to pieces by cultural and political strife. At no time since my first eligible-to-vote Presidential election have I seen such fractious and contentious state of the electorate or the representatives in Washington, D.C.

Worst of all is my profession. The Fourth Estate has abandoned its duty to protect the public interest. Subjective reporting and editorialization define modern journalism. The Fifth Estate, which includes new media and online informational utilities (e.g., Facebook, Google, Twitter, and the like), is worse because of rampant censorship. Patronizing tactics choose for you, because presumably you’re not smart enough to sift fact from fiction. I would mind less if professional news gatherers reported responsibly more.

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The (Honorary) Cats of University Heights: Jade

We present another special guest, spotted between Arizona and Hamilton, which is about one-and-half-blocks beyond the neighborhood boundary into North Park. This fine feline calmly crossed Monroe a few meters ahead as my wife and I walked today. My feet carried me across the street, where I used iPhone 13 Pro to capture the Featured Image. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 32, 1/132 sec, 77mm; 10:11 a.m. PDT.

The eleventh honorary member of the series joins: BuddiesChill, Envy, MonaMoophie, Ninja, Promise, Queenie, and Sammy, and Tom and Jerry. Darth Mew initially belonged to the group, until later turning up in University Heights.

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Which Bee Better?

Welcome to an unexpected compare-and-contrast session. Tonight, while preparing to share a bee and sunflower shot, I came across another that is surprisingly pleasing, particularly considering its vintage and source. We’ll start with that one, from Google Nexus 5 smartphone on May 30, 2014. Vitals for the Featured Image: f/2.4, ISO 100, 1/4200 sec, 3.97mm; 9:44 a.m. PDT.

I made the moment outside what was the wonderful wildlife sanctuary nicknamed the Butterfly House. The tenants maintaining the lush plants and trees moved to Hawaii in January 2019 and the sanctuary is no more.

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The More You Pay, The More You Will Pay

Funny the things you long for. On Oct. 15, 2021, I shared a photo showing the cost of gasoline as $4.94 a gallon (rounded up) at the Fourth and University Shell station in Hillcrest. Fast forward to today and you pay $6.60 per gallon (again, rounded up). That $1.66 more than the old price—high for the time—seems oh-so affordable now. By the way, cost is 33 percent more than before.

Several large hospitals surround the station, and I got to ask: Is this why medical services—like ambulance—cost so much in San Diego? Yeah, the question is facetious. That said, unless the arm is severed and shooting blood, wrap a tourniquet and drive yourself to Emergency—and hope none of the doctors and nurses treating you filled up at this Shell. Somebody has to pay, and that could be you. Yuck. Yuck.

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The Cats of University Heights: Dreamer

Backlog cleanup continues—reaching behind to Feb. 25, 2022, and the ninetieth profiled putty seen behind glass or screen. I spotted the shorthair while walking along Louisiana Street, then discretely but quickly pulling out iPhone 13 Pro for a single shot. I sometimes worry that puttering about for too long might offend a pet owner, and permanently end a cat’s window wanderings.

Vitals for the Featured Image: f/2.8, ISO 32, 1/483 sec, 77mm; 11:33 a.m. PDT. For nickname, I choose Dreamer.

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All the Above

Band All the Above, joined by One Voice Choir, practices at a local La Mesa, Calif. church on May 27, 2008. I used Sigma DP1 to capture the Featured Image. Vitals: f/4, ISO 800, 1/60 sec, 28mm (film equivalent); 7:05 p.m. PDT.

According to the EXIF, I edited the portrait four days later using Sigma Photo Pro, applying Selenium filter, which looks sharper than the grainy color original.

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Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

Last week, my wife and I drove out to La Mesa, Calif. to reminiscently walk around Grossmont Center, hoping to beat planned changes that could close many of the stores. Eleven months ago, Federal Realty Investment Trust announced acquiring controlling interest in the outdoor shopping mall from San Diego’s Cushman family. But the new owner won’t become sole proprietor for another three years, which will present a “unique opportunity providing an unencumbered ‘blank canvas’ for redevelopment”.

To my relief, most of the long-time tenants remain, even Barnes and Noble—a marvel of retail survival in the era of Amazon electronic and print book online sales dominance. But missing is what I photographically looked for: Flower beds down the center way separating stores. I clearly remember them, if nowhere else, near the Walmart.

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Chopped Before Its Time

While walking West on Monroe Avenue, in San Diego’s University Heights neighborhood, my wife and I could hear tree cutting as we approached cross-street Georgia. Sure enough, to our left, going towards Mission, a work crew cut and carted two palms. We had to investigate.

As you can see from the Featured Image and companions, all captured using Leica Q2, an extremely healthy-looking palm top is lifted and dumped. I wondered why and what was chopped. Annie and I walk down this street somewhat regularly, not recalling any recent road signs or other indications that the city would destroy more trees.

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The Cats of University Heights: Sharky

To celebrate yet another Caturday, we are assisted by the stalwart Sharky. I would nickname him Bruiser if not knowing his real identity. He’s a tough-looking beastie—not one to lose a territorial squabble, one could imagine.

I met Sharky once, on April 10, 2022, along Monroe about a half block from where reside Bruce, Guido, and Little. The Featured Image and companion come from iPhone 13 Pro. Vitals: f/2.8, ISO 32, 1/194 sec, 77mm; 4:22 p.m. PDT. The other is same but 1/233 sec.