We begin, more by coincidence, two day’s study in black-and-white street photography. First up: Martin Mutch, who is founder of IT consultancy Rocela and self-described “street and social photographer”. His candid captures using Leica Camera AG M Monochrom […]
Category: People
Flickr a Day 83: ‘Slowly Awakening’
‘This stream tells the recent story of my life”, the Italian going by moniker depinniped says. “Things that happen to me, but mostly people that I happen to know, that I love, that I live […]
Comic-Con Heroes: The Vendor
Serialization of my ebook Comic-Con Heroes: The Fans Who Make The Greatest Show On Earth rapidly winds down. With today’s installment, three remain, before I release the 2013 tome into the public domain, on July 8, 2015, when my current commitment with Amazon KDP Select ends. The other profiles, in order of appearance: The Dark Knight, The Fighter, The Collectors, The Academic, The Nerd Culturist, The Writer,The Bicyclists, The Heroine, The Time Lord, and The Volunteer.
I interviewed the last two Comic-Con 2013 attendees on the final day, for which tickets cost a little less and when San Diegan families flow into the conventions center. You can only really appreciate what the Con represents, as a cultural phenomenon, by mingling with the last-day crowds.
Flickr a Day 77: ‘Working Class Hero’
Based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, Manos Simonides shoots professionally, mainly portraits. Warning, before clicking the link from his name to the photostream: Expect many erotic bondage and nude photos. Don’t peek, if offended. Manos shot […]
Flickr a Day 74: ‘Student’
Chilean Francisco Osorio describes himself as a “social anthropologist very interested in photography since childhood. I remember my father bringing home a book to learn how to make photographs, which I read from cover to […]
Comic-Con Heroes: The Volunteer
Three more profiles, and the conclusion, remain before I release my ebook Comic-Con Heroes: The Fans Who Make The Greatest Show On Earth into the public domain, on July 8, 2015, after my current commitment with Amazon KDP Select ends. To recap: The tome features 12 attendees from the 2013 San Diego convention. This year marks my seventh, but I am a paying participant; for reasons I don’t understand, my press credentials weren’t recertified.
So far we have met, in order of appearance: The Dark Knight, The Fighter, The Collectors, The Academic, The Nerd Culturist, The Writer,The Bicyclists, The Heroine, and The Time Lord. They represent a surprising cross-section of Comic-Con attendees, ranging from a toy anthropologist to a hopeful future storyteller. They’re all worth your attention. Place look back.
Flickr a Day 73: ‘OMG!’
Reviewing the last few days of selections, I see that the subjects are all older. We can’t have that! I picked today’s pic mainly for staging. The umbrellas are perfect additions, and what’s not to […]
Flickr a Day 71: ‘Silence & Serenity’
Belgian Lie—”pronounced as ‘ee’”, she says—distinguishes her photographic art by a distinctive characteristic: Red. She uses the color to accent and punctuate her images. If you spend time browsing none of the other photographers’ photostreams […]
Comic-Con Heroes: The Time Lord
San Diego Comic-Con 2013 was a great venue for Dr. Who. The 50th-year celebration was underway, and there was tremendous excitement about the new Doctor. The program is always popular at the Con, but there was special aura—and were attendees in costumes and garb of all kinds everywhere.
The Time Lord is topic of today’s installment from my ebook Comic-Con Heroes: The Fans Who Make The Greatest Show On Earth, which goes into the public domain on July 8, 2015, after my current commitment with Amazon KDP Select ends. Previously posted in order of appearance: The Dark Knight, The Fighter, The Collectors, The Academic, The Nerd Culturist, The Writer, The Bicyclists, and The Heroine (Ericka Quesada).
Flickr a Day 62: ‘To Breathe as One’
When making today’s selection, I chose culture over photography. The image isn’t representative of Mait Jüriado and his skills shooting portraits. The pic is one of 107 in his album “Estonian Song Celebration 2009“. He is from Suure-Jaani, Estonia, but lives in Tallinn, which is 149 kilometers north off the Gulf of Finland.
The amateur song festival takes place every five years, and the 2009 event marked the 25th celebration. Typically 25,000-30,000 singers perform, and there is an accompanying dance festival.
Flickr a Day 60: ‘Bond’
Today’s selection shows how in the right setting, the photographer can blend the subject into the background. The man is modern, yet fits against the ancient beings carved into the stone. The photo also stands […]
Comic-Con Heroes: The Heroine
It’s Saturday, and that means another excerpt from my ebook Comic-Con Heroes: The Fans Who Make The Greatest Show On Earth, which profiles one-dozen attendees from SDCC 2013. One week ago, the Con held Open Registration, where participating for the first time I was fortunate enough to obtain passes for all four days and the Preview Night. From 2009-2014, accredited press status assured access.
Without press accreditation, I expect San Diego Comic-Con 2015 to be my last, as obtaining passes one year is no guarantee of getting them the next. Judging from social network responses to last week’s 59-minute ticket sales, many people who attended last year couldn’t purchase passes for the next one. Attendance is capped at 130,000.