My thoughts on this: Apple fans can be annoying when they’re on their own. The thought of them breeding and creating little Apple fans, a whole family of hard core hipster Apple lovers, is just not a good thing. On the other hand, making sure that Apple fans only date other Apple fans is a good way of stopping them from spreading their Apple fan genes to the general population, I guess. So maybe this site isn’t all bad.
Michael Arrington

Barber of Seville
Last night, while my wife and I walked in the neighborhood, I snapped a picture of the sign over the Barber of Seville shop. The barber there has cut hair for more than 40 years—30 in the same location.
He sometimes is too right-wing for my tastes, but the conversation is good, he is a man of values who gives one helluva good cut.

New York Dog Walkers Bing? What About California?
Microsoft has this nifty marketing promotion where New York City dog walkers wear Bing T-Shirts. Hell, why not any city in California? The people out here are dog nuts, sometimes walking two or three animals at once.

The Register Should Know Better
Right about this time each month, some blogger or journalist ogles Net Applications browser data and writes about Internet Explorer’s declining “marketshare”. The Register is May’s guilty party, calling the data something it isn’t. Headline: “Internet Explorer […]

Turbo Charge AT&T Internet
AT&T is keeping secrets. I called to change my U-verse service and discovered 24Mbps Internet is available in my area for same price as 18Mbps. That was a brainless upgrade. AT&T calls the 24Mbps service […]

Editors Shrewdly Handled Gizmodo-iPhone Drama Act II
The toughest challenge for any newsroom is being the story. How should editors report about the news when they’re it, particularly if there are legal matters? That’s exactly Gizmodo‘s situation, following a Friday night police raid of editor Jason Chen’s home. Gizmodo waited until Monday to post about the search and seizure of items from Jason’s home, which included four computers and two servers. Gizmodo has responded tactfully from editorial and legal perspectives.

Shield Laws Protect Sources
There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding among many bloggers, journalists and the general public about the purpose of shield laws. They are not meant to protect journalists. The laws exist to protect journalists’ sources. The shield extends to journalists so they can’t be forced to reveal confidential sources or to have information about their sources forcibly seized.
Busking for London Tube Contest
OK, now this cool. Yesterday, as part of the Rhythm of London festival, a busking competition concluded. Winners will get a free one-year license to busk in the London Tube. Competitors uploaded videos to YouTube (haha […]

My wife and I went to San Diego’s Ocean Beach earlier today. Hey, it was sunny here in Southern California and good day to use my new Sigma DP2s. The camera captures rich detail and […]
Downfall’s Downfall
If you can view the video clip above, Vimeo has not been compelled to take it down. Gulp, yet. The clip, using new subtitles, is from “Der Untergang“—”The Downfall: Hitler and the End of the Third Reich”. I rented the captivating German film from Nextflix in August 2005. In the original scene, Hilter learns that he has lost the war. Its revision is one of the most successful and visible Internet memes of the last half decade. The scene has been repeatedly parodied, replacing the subtitles so that Hitler rages about something else.
'Damn Gizmodo'
Did you really need to publicly shame the poor guy with his full name and photo? Don’t you think he feels bad enough already? Did that really add anything to the story? You just took […]

Gizmodo Made the ‘Next iPhone’ a Great Story
I have deeply mixed feelings about siding with Apple and not Gizmodo regarding the iPhone prototype the Weblog paid to acquire. After all, as a seasoned journalist, I should strongly advocate no-questions-asked free speech. Instead, last night I blogged for Betanews: “Apple should sue Gizmodo over stolen iPhone prototype“. I had planned to write something here, but Betanews founder Nate Mook asked for a story, which I gladly delivered.