I considered cropping the Featured Image even tighter, but leave that for you by zooming in; please do. This is another moment from last night’s live music performance at Old Trolley Barn Park, which is […]

I considered cropping the Featured Image even tighter, but leave that for you by zooming in; please do. This is another moment from last night’s live music performance at Old Trolley Barn Park, which is […]
July means live music Fridays at Old Trolley Barn Park, here in San Diego neighborhood University Heights. Despite feeling crappy all day, I walked over tonight for a look and some photos—oh, yeah, and surprise. Performer: Chickenbone Slim and the Biscuits. Perhaps you remember my sharing about the blues band back in November 2021, after finding them performing impromptu outside our auto mechanic’s shop, which is closed weekends.
The venue and crowd was way bigger this evening. Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra didn’t deliver the kind of shots I have come to expect. Highlights are blown out and color is way oversaturated for the dozen captures. Details are muddy, too, as you can see from the Featured Image. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 200, 1/60 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 7:38 p.m. PDT.
Sometime soon, I will share more about the evolution of the apartment complex that now occupies the property where was New Vision Christian Fellowship. I remember when families and old folks lined up for free food Fridays. Now the church’s former location is a cathedral for, according to promotional material, a “truly timeless, amenity-rich living experience”. Oh yeah?
The massive, block-long mixed-use structure, Winslow, packs in 379 apartments, which will lease in staggered fashion over the coming months. At a time when San Diego touts new buildings like this one as being the forebears of more affordable housing, Winslow rental prices sure make me wonder how.
Holy doggie do-do, Batman. San Diego reached another shocking milestone in the housing market. Average rents are higher than San Francisco and rank third among American cities. No wonder homelessness rises across the county. Crapola, this stinks—for us peons. Landlords likely feel differently, eh.
Zillow has the skinny in its June 2023 rental report, which observes that “the most expensive major market is San Jose, where typical monthly rent is $3,411, followed by the New York City metro area ($3,405), San Diego ($3,175), San Francisco ($3,168), and Boston ($3,045)”. Maybe you don’t see $7 as all that meaningful, but SF is notoriously known for being a pricey market for housing. Not San Diego.
I don’t drink beer—or any alcoholic beverages, for that matter—yet for the second time in a fortnight, I write about boycotted Bud Light. The first followed a discarded can’s meaning as July 4th approached and Anheuser-Busch offered $15 off cases of 15, essentially bringing the purchase price to zero, or near it. Desperation makes sense: For the week ending July 1, 2023, sales slumped 31.2 percent year over year. Yikes!
In what I would call a pathetic plea, Anheuser-Busch chief executive Brendan Whitworth asks beer drinkers to have heart and think about the company’s 65,000 employees; no sales, no work. I’m all choked up; give me a minute to grab a hanky. Because I know what corporation would be so heartless as to put profits before employees? (Someone grab a bucket to catch all the dripping sarcasm.)
When the iconic Lafayette Hotel closed on Oct. 1, 2022, banners hung proclaiming “rebirth” in June 2023. Last month, the draping pronouncement came down, which meant imminent reopening or construction delay. Nine days into July, the latter is the circumstance. The establishment, located on El Cajon Blvd in San Diego neighborhood University Heights, isn’t yet ready for grand reopening.
Indications of continued construction can be seen on the Mississippi Street side of the building, although the frontage could fool anyone into thinking that the Lafyette is open for business—as the Featured Image and companion indicate. For good reason. Supposedly, the Lafayette reopens to the general public on July 12.
Along Louisiana, between Madison and Monroe, in San Diego neighborhood University Heights, my wife stopped our afternoon walk to point out Mourning Doves gathered in a tree—perhaps 10 or more fluttered about. How unexpected.
While I clumsily pulled out Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, all flew off because of the action. But one bird returned long enough for a 10x-zoom closeup that is the Featured Image. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 50, 1/800 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 3:54 p.m. PDT.
Last night, while I washed dishes, Cali jumped up on the Casabelle Mail Center that resumed role as my workspace after abandoning my home office for use by our daughter, who stays with us as she recovers from brain trauma.
I used Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra to capture the Featured Image. Vitals: f/2.4, ISO 80, 1/60 sec, 70mm (film equivalent); 9:18 p.m. PDT.
I can’t say that I will jump through hoops seeking the ultimate sale-priced goods during Amazon Prime Day next week (11th and 12th). But keeping with the concept of Christmas in July and opportunity for me to share a previously unpublished photo, here we are together. Shop if you want.
The Featured Image comes from Leica Q2 on Dec. 21, 2022. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 28mm; 12:24 p.m. PDT. Location: Maryland Place in San Diego neighborhood University Heights.
Somewhat hidden, at the corner of Meade and Texas in San Diego neighborhood University Heights, is Wonder Weavers, which name smartly describes the business specializing in clothing repair.
I occasionally see, and chat with, the owner—most memorably when, three years ago, he hung out with his grey kitty Lily, who appears in my “Cats of University Heights” series.
While walking along 30th Street in North Park, today, I came upon a San Diego police cruiser coming to a parked stop. As an officer climbed out of the vehicle, I coincidentally spied a white cat in the grassy courtyard of a connected-cottage complex. I thought to take a quick photo, but the cop approached and I chose otherwise.
He opened the gate and entered the same property! I couldn’t resist, pulling out Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and turning back. I peaked through the fence expecting to see space where was the beastie. But no, the white was still there, and the policeman stood a short distance away knocking on someone’s door. This was no scaredy cat!
Someone explain to me why this military-style helicopter circled around North Park and University Heights yesterday for the better part of a half hour—at times directly over our apartment building. Granted, San Diego is a Navy town, but neither neighborhood is military nor nearby harbor and ships.
Finally, I pulled out Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and snapped three fast photos. The Featured Image is second of the set and chosen for the perspective-setting palm tree trunk in the foreground. Vitals: f/4.9, ISO 50, 1/750 sec, 230mm (film equivalent); 12:23 p.m. PDT.