Few weeks ago, while walking down El Cajon from Georgia Street in the University Heights neighborhood, I pulled out iPhone XS for a couple dusk shots of The Boulevard sign. They were way too noisy. […]

Few weeks ago, while walking down El Cajon from Georgia Street in the University Heights neighborhood, I pulled out iPhone XS for a couple dusk shots of The Boulevard sign. They were way too noisy. […]
I strongly debated whether or not to include this kitty, who looked onto the alley separating Louisiana and Mississippi between El Cajon and Meade. But lighting was optimal on the grey’s perch and unlikely to ever be better; the Featured Image is about as good as I’ll ever get. And the face is so damn cute, this sweetie could be a stuffed animal. Hence, nickname Plush. You will want to click through and enlarge the photo; sometimes not-so-good portraiture is good enough because the subject is so becoming.
Plush is the series‘ seventieth cat sitting behind door or window. The cropped, and aggressively edited, portrait comes from Leica Q2. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/8, ISO 100, 1/640 sec, 28mm, 9:27 a.m. PDT, June 14, 2021.
But explain to school kids what’s different, because they have to wonder. While establishments of all types are open at full capacity, the classroom routine is little changed: Students must continue to wear masks—a requirement that baffles the frak out of me. Is it possible reason that most of them have not been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2)/COVID-19? For adults, the mask-mandate is only lifted for those people who have had the shot(s). Children are extremely unlikely to be infected, manifest the disease, become seriously sick, or die. So why muzzle them?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children ages 0-4 account for 2.1 percent of U.S. COVID cases; 10.4 percent for 5-17 year-olds. Deaths: Zero percent and 0.1 percent, respectively. Citizens ages 18-49 account for 4.7 percent of total deaths, so teachers are probably pretty safe—especially if vaccinated. So, again, I ask: Why muzzle the kids? This morning, my wife and I passed by Birney Elementary as students arrived; they all wore masks, and parents, too!
For Flag Day: Featured Image from Leica Q2 captured on Sept. 7, 2020 at Madison and North in San Diego’s University Heights neighborhood. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/1000 sec, 28mm; 9:30 a.m. […]
On June 15, 2021, California will largely reopen—fifteen months after Governor Gavin Newsom shut down most businesses and institutions, also instructing citizens to stay at home, in an attempt to slow spread of SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2)/COVID-19. This sidewalk sentiment seems oh-so appropriate for near-normalcy returning. Granted, inflation rises, the housing market is insanely competitive, supply shortages increase cost for goods like lumber, and many reopening businesses struggle to hire enough employees—among other oddities. So normal isn’t nearly enough.
Newsom will free Californians four days before the traditionally celebrated Freedom Day/Emancipation Day—also known as Juneteenth. How ironic—or arrogantly preemptive—is that? But he is not relinquishing the emergency powers used to close down the state. How will that decision affect his chances during the special recall election that could, in a few months, remove him as governor? Surely some people will respect his maintaining authority, while others will say that he oversteps his gubernatorial powers. We’ll see soon enough.
I read somewhere—and, damn, can’t recollect where—that this beautiful building, and cottage studios below, was early in the last Century a residence for nurses. But I have no source that confirms fact. Apologies for that, although my confidence is high. With so many structures stripped to the studs as part of massive renovations—or, worse, leveled and replaced by tasteless high-rises—this property’s makeover preserves past character. To whomever owns the multi-rental place, huge thanks.
My first real experience with this landmark goes back to Christmas Day 2016, when I met Comet, Herman, Roman, Willow, and their owner; all four animals are profiled in my “Cats of University Heights” series. She had lived in a studio apartment for 19 years, but not for much longer. A few months later, nearly all the cottage residents moved out to make way for contractors, who spent much of 2017 renovating the courtyard buildings.
This exercise bike is nowhere nearly as classic as another that I photographed two months ago today. Condition and color mark the difference. One is rustic, the other is rusted. Still, if you need stationary pedal power, free is the right price. Looked like someone was moving out of an apartment, as I walked by this morning—along Carmelina Drive—and the contraption wasn’t fit to take; of course, assuming the thing works, you could get fit taking it to ride.
Location is close to where lived Hope, who appeared in my “Cats of University Heights” series last year. I used Leica Q2 to capture the Featured Image (warning: 34MB file), which is composed as shot. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/8, ISO 100, 1/60 sec, 28mm; 10:06 a.m. PDT.
Along several streets on the East side of Park Blvd., a neighbor has posted photo and description of a skinny—observably emaciated—grey female wearing a collar and bell. The person hopes to catch the presumably lost, or abandoned, kitty and take her to the animal shelter or vet for microchip scan that might identify—and possibly help locate—the owner(s).
So, as the sun started sinking below the horizon, I moseyed over for a late-day walk—during what is typically an active time for cats. I passed Reddy sitting in front of his new, self-adopted home on Georgia. Moments earlier, I came upon a tan-and-white shorthair between Meade and Mission. My raising Leica Q2 to shoot put the animal in trepidation stance. The Featured Image is the first of three taken and the only one usable. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/2.8, ISO 500, 1/125 sec, 28mm; 7:47 p.m. PDT.
And I am so glad this bird isn’t a raven (gulp, unless I misidentified, which easily could be). I’ve been humming Stevie Wonder song “Superstition” since the sighting earlier today and only while writing made the subconscious mental connection: Ravens as forebears of bad luck, or worse. But I’m not really superstitious—or wouldn’t be if not for the odd encounter.
While walking along Madison, approaching the alley between North and Campus in my San Diego neighborhood of University Heights, the flyer landed on a fence beside me. He seemed to want something, and I wondered if perhaps people feed him. Of course, the encounter could have been, uh-hum, an omen. The bird perched long enough for me to step back, pull out Leica Q2, and compose two shots (changing aperture between) before flying off.
Most of the Southwest is under a severe heat advisory, with temperatures in mountainous locales, like Julian, reaching 29 degrees Celsius (84 F), which is way above normal. Borrego Springs is currently 39 C (102 […]
What demonstration marched through the neighborhood unbeknownst to me? While walking with my wife through the alley separating Alabama and Florida streets, I stopped to wonder about the forlorn placard that is the Featured Image. I captured a single photo using Leica Q2. Vitals, aperture manually set: f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, 28mm; 4:33 p.m. PDT, today.
The message piqued my interest—and as a photographic object, I liked the mood created by bands of light shining through the fence. For your edification (and mine), according to Wikipedia: Yellow Peril “is a racist color-metaphor that represents the peoples of East Asia as an existential danger to the Western world”. Yikes!
No thanks to SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2)/COVID-19, during 2020, University Heights Community Development Corporation cancelled concerts normally held Friday evenings throughout July into early August. Presumably, because I see nothing scheduled as […]