Category: Media

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AT&T sinks FilmStruck

For two years, I have been an annual subscriber to FilmStruck. Tonight the relationship ends, as AT&T shutters the service. Go back a few months, when making promises about consumer benefits, AT&T merged with Time Warner. Since, services like Direct TV Now cost more, while others are going or have gone. There is, or was, nothing like FilmStruck on the Internet—well, for content obtainable legally. Not that AT&T brass care.

The service was a cinephile’s dream. Where else do you see movies cataloged by director, or are there fascinating extras available almost nowhere else? I chose “Night to Remember” as Featured Image because it is one of my favorite classic films and for the accompanying interview with the last living Titanic survivor (before she died). Her recollection is rare footage that punctuates the movie’s storytelling. 

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The Christmas House

A few years ago, when my daughter shared an apartment in Point Loma, Calif., I drove up Garrison on the way home from her neighborhood. Houses along the way decked out big time for Christmas, such that traffic snarled as drivers slowed to gawk, others searched for parking, and pedestrians admired the decorations. My wife and I visited the street this evening, previewing what’s expected to come. Only one house had spiffed up for the Holiday—and in unbelievably magnificent fashion. The Featured Image and three companions are but a glimpse of the fabulously adorned property.

I captured the set using Google Pixel 3 XL, which proved to be more than a low-light performer. It’s a charmer. I am rather surprised to see character and dimension in these quick snaps. I cropped all four 3:2 and straightened two, but did not otherwise edit. Vitals for the first: f/1.8, ISO 176, 1/24 sec, 4.4mm; 5:35 p.m. PST (about 55 minutes after sunset). 

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The Cats of University Heights: Teach

Meade is a sentimental street, between Park Blvd. and Maryland. Call it memory lane. Along the stretch live seven kitties featured in this series: Captain Blackbeard, Honey Bunny, LeviPee-Pee, Tink, Veruca, and Vivienne. During summer 2018, my wife and I nearly bought the property that we call the Schoolhouse, at the corner of Campus. A few doors away, the adventure of neighborhood teens trapping a feral momma cat and her kittens unfolded two weeks before we made our offer on the Spanish-style home. The time was magical.

I imagined how the delightful chatter of parents walking their kids to school would fill our living space each weekday morning. There is something soothing about the ambience that the sound of happy children or running water makes. On the morning of June 4, 2018, a tiger tabby watched and listened, as I once hoped, to students arriving for a day of classes at Birney Elementary. The apartment complex where the putty-tat lives is one of several across the street from the school. 

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Fido Confections

Among the stereotypes that cling to Californians: Their love of—no obsession with—dogs. Take a peek into this window of a local dog bakery. I could understand meat pie. But cake? Welcome to SoCal, where residents primp tail-waggers and fawn incessantly over them. I am aghast how the fussy folk here let their beasts pee and poop everywhere. Sure, most dog walkers carry baggies to clean up the hard deposits. But the liquid soils sidewalks and anything along them; considering how rarely rain falls, this crap clinging to shoes and dust that becomes airborne can’t be healthy. So why in a state where residents also are lifestyle-profiled as being health-obsessed is there such contradiction?

In County cities Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, San Diego, Santee, and Solana Beach, there are about 162,000 licensed dogs, according to official statistics. Human population for the same locales is about 2.15 million, says the Department of Animal Services. FYI: San Diego Humane Society assumed responsibility for providing county animal services to these communities during second quarter of this year. If you’re local, and interested in domestic or wild beasties, SDH’s annual report is informative reading. 

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The Cats of University Heights: Serenity

During the same Nov. 4, 2018 afternoon that I encountered Usher, several blocks away, along Mission Avenue between Mississippi and Alabama, another Tuxedo presented for portrait. I shot the Featured Image, using Pixel 3 XL, at 3:57 p.m. PST. Vitals: f/1.8, ISO 55, 1/313 sec. 4.4mm. Serenity seems like the most appropriate nickname, and so it is given.

Two days earlier, the smartphone slipped from my fingers and fell face down on the sidewalk, shattering the screen. I got my first cellular handset more than 20 years ago, never once damaging one in any way. Until that fateful drop. As I write, due to a monumental Google Store screw up, the Pixel 3 XL has yet to be repaired or replaced. 

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The Cats of University Heights: Usher

The second Shirley Ann Place kitty, like Triumph, is a rare treat; the two are outdoor onlies. The few other furballs observed along the historic row of Spanish-style homes presented in windows, and none during the series‘ first 20 months.

I captured the Featured Image on Nov. 4, 2018 at 3:48 p.m. PST using Google Pixel 3 XL. Vitals: f/1.8, ISO 76,1/870 sec, 4.44mm. The Tuxedo earns nickname Usher, for waiting to greet someone at the door and usher them inside.